15 Best Eternal Jukebox Alternatives 2024 (2024)

Eternal Jukebox had stopped working in mid-2023 possibly due to changes in the Spotify API. This innovative software was known for its ability to create endless and seamless loops of songs, but now fans are left searching for alternatives.

The closure of the Eternal Jukebox has left a gap in the world of music streaming, prompting users to look for other services that can offer a similar or improved experience.

In this context, we explore the best alternatives to the Eternal Jukebox, focusing on platforms that provide unique listening experiences, innovative features, and a wide range of music options.

Our aim is to guide users towards finding a new musical home that meets or exceeds the expectations set by the Eternal Jukebox.

Best Eternal Jukebox Alternatives

1. Last.fm

15 Best Eternal Jukebox Alternatives 2024 (1)

Our first Eternal Jukebox alternative is Last.fm. It integrates your musical world by bringing together your favorite music. You can also visualize the listening patterns and trends of the whole world.

When you link Last.fm to a music service, either through the web client, an app, or a browser plugin, you may keep track of the music that you stream. Besides, it allows you to download music for free.

You’ll be able to view your statistics in real-time, have weekly reports emailed to you, access your listening history, and do much more.

Unlike Eternal Jukebox, your listening history is analyzed by Last.fm to make recommendations for new music and events. It includes a real-time global counter that displays the total number of times users of Last.fm have listened to individual tunes since 2003.

You can get Last.fm Pro for $3.00/month.

2. Group the Loop

15 Best Eternal Jukebox Alternatives 2024 (2)

Group the Loop is a simple app for looping and has a good design geared for a seamless workflow. It supports Audiobus and Audioshare and comes equipped with effects such as reverb, filter, chorus, and a drum machine.

You can record a “master group” that contains background tracks and then trigger other loop groups, such as a verse and chorus, while keeping everything perfectly in rhythm.

The application is suitable for iPad users and can be used by every performer, songwriter, and beatboxer.

You can compose full songs with intricate verse, bridge, and chorus structures and then swap between those forms in real-time.

Compared to Eternal Jukebox, you can use endless overdubbing and flawlessly synchronized loops, and you may generate brilliantly textured soundscapes and sophisticated layers to use in your compositions.

This application is exclusively available on the App Store at 11.99 Euros.

3. Festify

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The Festify app is free powered-party software that enables your guests to select the song of their choice that they want to be played at your party using their cellphones.

Festify takes your most-listened-to songs from Spotify artists and develops a visual line-up that you can share with the public, peer groups, and family members to offer joy and entertainment to them.

If you install the Festify app, you will have access to Spotify via the Spotify Premium account, which will allow you to host a great party with all of your friends.

You can select the songs played on the playlist by voting for your favorites. If the DJ needs a break, there will always be another playlist to pick from.

The song that receives the most votes is performed first, followed by the song that is second in line, and so on, until it reaches the song that is listed last on the playlist.

Unlike Eternal Jukebox, attendees can participate in democratic voting of songs using Festify. Guests may use their party code to input their preferred song, and the platform will play the song that received the largest number of votes.

Because it is based on a browser, Festify is available to anybody, anytime, and everywhere they have an internet connection.

It comes with a TV mode optimized to appear excellent on your computer, TV, laptop, or projector, depending on which one you choose to use.

Festify has a PayPal donate button, allowing you to contribute to help them provide the service.

4. Songmash

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Songmash is one of the Eternal Jukebox alternatives. It is free software that permits you to sign up using your Spotify account. It assembles a collaborative Spotify playlist for you by considering your most recent music selections and preferences.

Unlike Eternal Jukebox, Songmash allows you to invite your friends to mash, allowing you to analyze songs that have been played recently and add them to a playlist that everyone would like listening to.

Using Songmash, a party playlist may be automatically generated that considers the musical tastes of the maximum number of guests.

One of the most difficult tasks in data analysis is to identify the routines that several listeners share. It tailors a Spotify playlist to the individual user’s tastes and preferences.

You can build the playlist with an approved user account while using the Spotify API, and then you can use the Spotify Ends to see and play the playlist.

5. JamHub

15 Best Eternal Jukebox Alternatives 2024 (5)

JamHub is a useful rehearsal tool developed to encourage young people in the surrounding area to play more music and capture the sounds they made while practicing in the studio.

It enables you to have a band performance wherever you are and at any time that is convenient for you without disturbing anybody else.

Unlike Eternal Jukebox, it has three items offered by JamHub: Greenroom, TourBus, and Bedroom. These items provide you with a simple-to-use headphone monitor mix system that enables you to jam without making any noise or disruption.

You can hear what you need to hear to increase the sound quality of your performance, thanks to the clarity provided by headphones and in-ear monitors.

You can record and preserve the highest possible mix quality, acquire your band’s energy at its absolute peak, and then share it with the rest of the world.

The sound quality that JamHub creates is insane, which makes it a very intriguing platform for you to play on while collaborating with other artists.

There is no fee set for you to access JamHub. Besides, you can check out some of their accessories by visiting their eBay and Reverb stores.


15 Best Eternal Jukebox Alternatives 2024 (6)

YOU.DJ is another free Eternal Jukebox alternative and one of the best online DJ platforms available. It allows you to perform music, make new beats, and listen to the music of any genre completely uninterrupted.

It presents various appealing possibilities, such as the top songs that are trending, videos from YouTube, produced MP3 files, and appealing samples with customizable music features, such as pitch, amplitude, bass, and loudness.

Unlike Eternal Jukebox, this software has bass assistance that will have the ability to make adjustments to the level of bass intensity by modifying the BPM to your specifications.

To carry out any task, you will need to choose the sound, alter its BPM, modify the frequency of the slicer, chop off a specific section of any music file, and then combine that section with another section.

After creating your music files, it will encourage you and your friends to listen to them before prompting you to hit the download button so that you may obtain your sound in its original quality.

There is a specialized feature for creating individualized beats employed by the most prominent DJs when they are playing live concerts.

7. The Wub Machine

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The Wub Machine is a free traditional music platform that gives you the chance to transform your music into dubstep, drum, and bass with only a button.

Unlike Eternal Jukebox, all that’s required of you is to find the location of the sound on the internet, copy its URL, and then enter it into the linked part located on the website’s homepage.

Additionally, it will show you a selection of musical instruments from which you may choose to convert the music you have uploaded.

The newly generated file is displayed prominently on the primary screen of your desktop, allowing you to find it in a flash and saving you the trouble of doing time-consuming searches.

Utilizing the SoundCloud feature convinces you to upload the music files from SoundCloud directly and then acceptably remixes the different audios.

It maintains a comprehensive list of well-known audio files and their fundamental parameters in its audio library. This gives you the ability to copy any settings and use them to create your tone.

8. Repetito

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Repetito is a website with several functions that prominent artists use from all over the globe to tune their musical instruments to specific beats before a live performance or album production. The website was developed by the company Repetito.

This platform’s standout features include the ability to change the speed and pitch of an audio clip even while it is being played and the capability to zero in on particular actions by selecting a loop point.

In addition, you have the option of including a marker that will allow you to keep track of the various portions and share your audio file on various social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and others.

You can modify the pitch of your audio with the help of Repetito, which also provides you with contemporary audio controls for constructing log audio tracks and an adjustable percent level that ranges from -1 octave to +1 octave.

Suppose you choose any point on the graph. In that case, it will display the audio characteristics in a more compact graphical format for improved monitoring. It has many seek bars, each offering greater control while seeking through extended audio.

Three installs of Repetito costs 249 euros on Windows and MacOS machines, with each license having it’s own unique key.

9. Madeon’s Adventure Machine

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The free software allows you to create your music by combining the many individualized audio samples in the vast music library.

The samples have precise information, including basic attributes such as pitch, frequency, amplitude, loudness, beat combination, percentage of noise, bass, and others. This allows you to pick the sample that best suits your needs by allowing you to choose from a variety of options.

With the assistance of its wave-type visualization, it convinces you to determine the intensity level and listen to the sound you have generated by setting the specified parameter to a certain rate, which is not available in any other music editor.

It is possible to combine your favorite parts of several different files with the assistance of its remixing feature and then edit those parts so that they are appropriate for a party setting.

Unlike Eternal Jukebox, this software can clean up any audio by removing background noise, converting music files to a format that allows for rapid file sharing, and adding subtitles, among many more.

10. Jukebox Star

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Jukebox Star is a free music website with several functions that enable users to build a unique tone or rhythm and post it on any platform in true quality.

Unlike Eternal Jukebox, the platforms include Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and many other websites.

It allows you to play music online from any website, convert the format of any file so that you can easily share it, alter the basic settings of the generated music file without having to use bulky amplifiers, convert the format of any file so that you can play it on any device, and many more features.

The best aspect about using this tool is that it enables you to apply several filters, including the Brand Pass Filter, the High Pass Filter, and the High Shelf Filter, to your beat to make it more smooth and appealing.

11. LISN

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The program known as LISN gives users and podcast producers the ability to cut out certain sections of the episodes they find most interesting and then upload those sections directly to their favorite social networking site or other applications.

Unlike Eternal Jukebox, It is possible to significantly expand your audience in a short amount of time by just producing your short-length clip and publishing it online so that others across the world may hear it.

The listener, content creator, or producer are brought together through the LISN platform. In addition to this, you can acquire more well-rounded ideas on what you care about.

Whether it’s politics, the newest tech, fantasy football choices, or the finest tales of the week’s favorite artists, you can access its application on Play Store or App Store for free.

12. TuneMeet

15 Best Eternal Jukebox Alternatives 2024 (12)

TuneMeet is a free musical platform that allows users to talk or chat with various people who listen to the same tune.

To use it, you have to link your Spotify account. It tracks the songs you listen to and identifies other users who enjoy the same music. If the music matches, you and your companion are led to a private room.

They require your Spotify account identifier to recognize you from other users and to see what music you are now listening to. Also, TuneMeet will use your sporting email to contact you.

Unlike Eternal Jukebox, there is a significant probability of making many new friends on this platform. You will be able to enjoy your preferred music with these new individuals. Also, you may add even more enjoyment to the mix by chatting, sharing, and listening to music together.

13. Musify

15 Best Eternal Jukebox Alternatives 2024 (13)

Musify is one of the best Eternal Jukebox alternatives. It is a straightforward program that plays music and can be managed conveniently. You will have the ability to quickly locate your chosen music and millions of other tunes.

It maintains the original sound quality when converting the playlist to mp3, wave, and m4a format. Musify is compatible with your computer, mobile device, tablet, and television.

Unlike Eternal Jukebox, Musify enables you to expand your audience and engage with it in creative new ways by gaining insight into the preferences of your audience members.

You can stream music on your smartphone even without an active Internet connection. It enables you to collect people’s email addresses so that you may organize and categorize your correspondence with them.

You are eligible to receive access to the Premium membership for free for one month. Following the conclusion of your free trial, the monthly cost of a Pro subscription is $9.99. It allows you to have access to unlimited features.

14. OutLoud

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This is an app that gives your friends the ability to control the music that is playing on your playlist during your party.

It is expected of you in OutLoud that you will create a playlist, ask your friends to add music, then upvote or downvote songs, and finally have the song with the most votes played.

Unlike Eternal Jukebox, you’ll add this music from Spotify, Apple Music, or SoundCloud to your playlist. You may use the site without even creating an account if you want to.

It enables you to gather everyone at your party around a single screen that displays all of the action from your playlists.

You will be able to view future music, recently added songs, and the most popular DJs at the party. It allows you to cast your playlist to the big screen using Google Chromecast or a personal web link.

Your friends will be able to take command of the music at the party with the help of OutLoud. It will add the song with the most votes to the playlist and your friends will also have the ability to contribute the songs they like most.

The details concerning its pricing plan are not on the website; however, you can get its application on Google Play Store for free.

15. The Autocanonizer

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The Autocanonizer Is our last Eternal Jukebox alternative. The platform is one of the professional programs that allow you to turn any song into a musical canon by modifying its basic settings. You may do this by importing the song into The Autocanonizer.

Open your audio file with this program. It will show you a cutting-edge audio editing tool that displays the results in graphical form. All you have to do is open your audio file.

Unlike Eternal Jukebox, this software comes with the assistance of its audio library; it deals with a comprehensive list of well-known audio files, each of which is shown together with its fundamental properties. This allows you to replicate any settings to create your tone.

Utilizing its intelligent editor allows you to add subtitles in any format and repeatedly play audio from a selected part. The altered sounds are saved in a designated folder inside your gallery, making it easy to access them whenever you need to. It is free to use.

History & The Infinite/Eternal Jukebox Revival

The Infinite Jukebox was a project that began in 2012, allowing users to create endless loops of songs by connecting similar-sounding parts of the track. This created an illusion of an infinite song. The original Infinite Jukebox was developed during a Music Hack Day event in Boston and was hosted at MIT.

It was designed to work with any song, but it required some tuning to improve the looping for certain tracks. The algorithm was adapted from an earlier project called Infinite Gangnam Style, and it dynamically adjusted the beat-similarity threshold to ensure there were enough pathways for the song to continue playing indefinitely.

After the original Infinite Jukebox went offline, a successor called The Eternal Jukebox was created. However, in mid-2023, The Eternal Jukebox also stopped functioning, potentially due to changes in the Spotify API, which it relied on for music data

Despite this setback, a Reddit user named davioitu announced a few weeks ago that they had revived the project, and the tool is now available for use once again.

The Eternal Jukebox’s issues could be attributed to various factors, including the inability to link to audio files or changes to the Spotify API.

There is no official statement or estimated time for when the issues with The Eternal Jukebox will be resolved, and the developers have not provided a timeline for when these issues might be fixed.

Best Eternal Jukebox Alternatives – Recap

Our pick is YOU.DJ. This platform is free to use and is one of the best online DJ platforms.

You can create your beats using the software. It comes fully customized with features that will keep your party going. Some of these features are pitch, bass, and loudness, among others.

15 Best Eternal Jukebox Alternatives 2024 (16)

Tom Clayton

Tom loves to write on technology, e-commerce & internet marketing. I started my first e-commerce company in college, designing and selling t-shirts for my campus bar crawl using print-on-demand. Having successfully established multiple 6 & 7-figure e-commerce businesses (in women’s fashion and hiking gear), I think I can share a tip or 2 to help you succeed.

15 Best Eternal Jukebox Alternatives 2024 (2024)
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