Happosai’s Horde - HawkFF - Ranma 1/2 [Archive of Our Own] (2025)

Happosai's eagerness for silky darlings and the life-extending Chi he could leech from panties and groping pretty girls was his downfall. Unbeknownst to him, the mass of pretty girls he had spotted while playfully skipping ahead of the slow and weak Ranma, hadn't been girls at all, but crossdressing men.

The shock and horror as he unveiled dick after dick and hairy balls while stealing panties, combined with the lack of female Chi being drained, left him weak and drained, finally causing the ancient Grandmaster of Anything Goes to succumb to old age and die, his face locked in a horrified grimace as his body started cooling down in the midst of a group of confused and upset crossdressers.

Now, with the dust settling over the chaos of Happosai's demise, Ranma Saotome, the unfortunate victim of his damnable weakness curse, felt a renewed urgency to find a way to regain his strength. Each time he was splashed with cold water, his body transformed into that of a girl, which was bad enough on its own. But now he'd also been hit with a weakness moxibustion pressure point, which left the talented Martial Artist even weaker than an average non-trained human and the only known way to revert was a cure hidden within Happosai's possessions. A chart of various pressure points that Happosai had teased him with, but which he didn't appear to carry on him.

Ranma, desperation etched on his manly features, turned to Daisuke, his eyes pleading. "Daisuke, we have to find it. If we don't, I'm stuck like this, and you know how dangerous that could be for me!" Daisuke, friend and classmate who had witnessed the weakening Ranma chasing after Happosai and tagged along in their wake, overhearing the old pervert taunting Ranma about the cure, nodded solemnly, his mind racing.

"Perhaps he kept it in his room at the Tendo Dojo?" He suggested, knowing full well that Happosai had been living there for quite some time.

Ranma nodded, his eyes lighting up with hope. "Yes! That's it! We have to check!" Ranma exclaimed and grabbed Daisuke's wrist to drag him along, only to fail to even budge Daisuke due to his sudden weakness. Daisuke marveled at just how weak the usually supernaturally strong Ranma currently was for a moment, then started walking on his own, as Ranma led the way to the dojo.

The room was a mess of scrolls and random objects that looked like they'd been picked out of a dumpster, the smell of old incense and dust lingering heavily in the air. Ranma's nose wrinkled in disgust as they stepped inside, his usual confidence replaced by a sense of urgency. "We have to find it before anyone else does," he murmured, his voice low and tense. "If it falls into the wrong hands..." He didn't need to finish the sentence; Daisuke knew that the consequences could be dire if some rival of Ranma got his hands on the chart.

"Just grab everything, put it into a Chi pocket and we can go over it at my place. Less of a chance of someone finding you there." Daisuke suggested. His voice was calm but firm, a stark contrast to Ranma's frantic demeanor. Ranma nodded in agreement, knowing that time was of the essence and that their mission had to remain a secret.

They both began rummaging through the clutter, their hands moving with swift precision despite the dust that clouded the air. They tossed scrolls filled with lewd doodles and ancient artifacts that were clearly more suited for a museum than a dirty old man's hoard into Ranma's subspace storage. The room was a testament to Happosai's perverted life, but amidst the chaos, they were hopeful that they would find the cure.

With everything eventually packed up, the boys made a beeline for Daisuke's home. Ranma didn't even care in his urgency for a cure that an old lady ladeling water on the sidewalk splashed him, activating his curse and leaving him as a short attractive redhead in slightly oversized wet male clothes.

Once in Daisuke's room, they spread out the scrolls and artifacts on the floor, coughing and sneezing as dust clouds billowed around them. Ranma, his usual strength gone, collapsed onto the floor, his eyes scanning each item with desperation. Daisuke, more composed, began organizing the mess into piles, separating the obviously useless junk from what could be potential cures.

Before they could actually start to do more than organize, they both heard the crazy ramblings of Tatewaki Kuno and outraged cries of an annoyed Ryoga Hibiki outside. Ranma, realizing that a side effect of her curse was attracting not only water, but occasionally chaos as well, grit her teeth in frustration.

"See what you can find, I'll wander around for a bit until things calm down and I stop attracting weirdness." She grunted, then stood up and made her way out through the back of the house, sneaking out into the ward of Nerima. With Ranma gone, Daisuke soon heard the noises of Ryoga and Tatewaki fading into the distance, leaving him alone in his room with heaps and heaps of sake bottles, various stolen panties, weird bottles and pouches filled with mysterious concoctions and herbs, old tomes and faded parchments, dusty scrolls and uncountable unfamiliar items.

He sneezed hard, sending a cloud of dust into the air as he started to feel the effects of the dust in the room. Daisuke took a deep breath and began to sort through the scrolls, looking for anything that could potentially be the cure to Ranma's condition. His heart thumped in his chest as he thought of what would happen if Ranma remained like this forever.

Male Ranma was a mate, someone to chat with at school and joke around together alongside with out of school on the rare few occasions when Ranma wasn't caught up in whatever random bit of chaos life threw at him on a regular basis.

But when the curse activated and Ranma turned into a sexy scarlet-haired shortstack with incredible proportions, Daisuke couldn't help but to pine over and desire female Ranma. Many were the times when he'd found himself completely awestruck at the sight of her gorgeous body in various revealing states or outrageous disguises. While Ranma hated his curse with a passion, he still made use out of his cursed form's beauty to score free food, discounts or to further whatever crazy shitty plan the naive and somewhat foolish guy had to find a cure for his curse at any given moment.

As Hiroshi glanced through Happosai's horde of various items for the cure, he found himself stunned by the incredibly wide array of amazing items in it that the old pervert had amassed over his long extended life. Martial Arts techniques from all over the world, cursed items, magic items, divine words of power scribbled down on ratty takeout menus and dirty napkins, aphrodisiac incenses, herbs to increase sexual stamina, drugs to lower inhibitions, a magic leash and collar that forced the one wearing the collar to obey the one holding the leash and a whole lot more.

As he sat alone in his room and discovered more and more, while surrounded by hundreds of Happosai's stolen panties, Daisuke couldn't help but to find himself growing an erection as he imagined how some of his finds could be used on female Ranma and wondering why Happosai never had just made a big harem out of all the females in Nerima, surrounding himself with sexy pliable ladies.

As he found more and more items and techniques to completely corrupt pretty much anyone, he couldn't prevent himself from starting to find the notion of seducing Ranma in his female form more and more appealing. Daisuke had always had a secret crush on female Ranma, and the thought of her being at his mercy was intoxicating.

He finally found the Moxibustion Chart, noting that it not only contained a cure for Ranma's current weakness, but also pressure points to paralyze, arouse, calm, induce sleep, pleasure, pain, alleviate headaches and much more. Quickly taking note of all of them, he realized that Ranma wouldn't be able to reach and press the two points for the cure on her own, someone else would have to do it for her.

As he thought of Ranma with her back bared to him, expecting a cure only to suddenly find herself helpless and under his control, his dick turned harder than a rock. Succumbing to the appealing mental image of a sexy female Ranma at his beck and call, he decided that he just had to have her. The thought of the powerful sexy Martial Artist's female form being utterly under his command was simply too tempting to resist.

Quickly dosing himself with drugs to give himself unrivalled sexual stamina and lighting an incense stick that induced calm and trust, he set the chart down on his desk for later and continued going through Happosai's various items while waiting for Ranma to return.

With the incense inducing calm and trust, plus Ranma being so frantic for a cure, Daisuke didn't imagine it would take long to get Ranma out of her red Chinese shirt and expose her naked back to him. He would eventually apply the cure, of course, but not until after he'd tested out if the drugs he'd taken truly made him able to fuck for hours and hours or not.

And who better to try it out on, then the incredibly sexy and helpless redhead who would soon return to his room in the empty house? With his parents currently being away on a two-week long business trip to France and school being out for the summer, there was plenty of time to play around with all these incredible items and techniques.

Daisuke's mind raced as he went through the various scrolls and books, looking for the right incantations, potions, and devices to ensure that Ranma would not only be at his mercy but would also crave his touch.

The sound of the front door sliding open and the soft patter of bare feet grew closer. His heart pounded in his chest, the anticipation making his palms sweat. Ranma soon made her way into his room, tired and battered. Her clothes were dirty and tattered, her shoes must have gotten lost at some point because her bare feet were dirty and she had a small twig stuck in her hair. She was tired and frazzled, but visibly calmed down and relaxed just seconds after taking her first breath in the incense-smelling room.

"Daisuke, did you find it?" She called out, her voice filled with hope.

"Sure did." He replied, standing up and showing the eager Ranma the chart on his desk, pointing out the two pressure points on it which would cure the weakness Moxibustion. Ranma's eyes were glued to them, completely ignoring all the other points on the chart.

"I can't reach both of them at the same time." Ranma realized with audible disappointment, but quickly perked up and looked triumphantly at Daisuke. "But you can!"

Daisuke nodded, his expression shifting from one of neutral helpfulness to one of dark amusement as he moved the incense burner closer to the center of his desk. "Of course," he said, his tone dropping a notch. "Just have a seat, turn your back to me and take your shirt off." He added, pulling his chair out for her.

Ranma, too eager to get her strength back, didn't question the command and quickly complied, revealing her soft, creamy back. Her heart was racing with excitement and hope, unaware of the sinister plot that was about to unfold. She felt Daisuke's gentle hands on her shoulders as he positioned her just right, his touch sending a warm sensation through her body that she couldn't quite pinpoint.

She took a deep breath and felt her worries just flow away as she took in more of the calming incense and her trust in Daisuke deepened.

Ranma sat down in the chair, her back exposed to Daisuke. The room was dimly lit, only the flickering candles casting a warm glow on the scrolls and artifacts scattered across the floor. She closed her eyes, focusing solely on the promise of regaining her strength, her body relaxing as Daisuke's hands hovered over the two pressure points.

His hands landed on smooth skin and just rubbed her back for a few moments. The sensations were pleasant, but not what she wanted to feel. Then he activated a pressure point, but not the cure. Ranma wanted to turn around and question him, uncaring of her bare breasts, but found herself completely paralyzed, unable to move or even speak. She felt his hands move to the next point, and with a sly smirk, Daisuke pressed it firmly.

To Ranma's surprise, she felt something else shift within her. It was as if a dam had been broken, and words flowed out of her mouth unbidden. "What...what did you do to me?" she managed to croak out and squeaked as she suddenly and completely unexpectedly found herself growing aroused for some strange reason.

Her voice grew softer, more sensual as she continued to speak, "Why...why does talking make me feel like this?" Each syllable seemed to resonate through her body, stirring a strange heat in her core. Daisuke leaned closer; his breath hot against her ear. "It's one of Happosai's little tricks," he whispered, his voice thick with excitement. "Every word you say intensifies the sensation."

Ranma's eyes widened in shock as she felt her body responding, her breasts growing heavier, her nipples hardening, and her breathing growing ragged. She tried to resist speaking, but the surprise and confusion only made the urge to ask more questions stronger. "What...what do you want from me?" she moaned, unable to keep the desperation out of her voice.

"You, Ranma." Daisuke easily admitted. "I want your sexy body, I want to hear you moan and squeal in pleasure as I delight in showing you that having a female body can be a blessing, not a curse."

Ranma's heart raced as she felt Daisuke's hands trail down from her neck to the top of her waist, his thumbs brushing against her sensitive skin, causing a shiver to run down her spine. She struggled to find words, her mind racing with confusion and bewilderment.

She knew that she should be terrified and distraught at this betrayal, but couldn't bring herself to feel that intently at the moment. She was nervous, but calmer than she should be. She felt annoyed, but still felt that Daisuke could somehow be trusted in spite of betraying her. She felt... different, but had no idea that the incense was responsible for her odd calm and unwavering trust.

The heat grew between her legs, and she felt wetness seep through her boy boxers, making her blush fiercely. "D-Daisuke, what's happening?" she whispered, her voice barely above a breath.

"You like challenges, Ranma. So, I came up with one. If you can hold off from begging me to make love to you for an hour, you win. I will cure your weakness and never mention anything I see or hear in this room to a single living soul. But if you beg, you lose. Then you'll be mine for the evening and night, I will explore every single nook and cranny of your sexy body, make love to you for hours and hours. In the morning, I will cure your weakness and you'll be free to go. Unless you decide to stay, of course." Daisuke explained with a wide grin.

Ranma felt a mix of shock and embarrassment. She had never been in such a vulnerable position before, and she was already feeling oddly aroused. Her body was responding to Daisuke's touch without her consent, and she didn't know how much worse it would get. She did like challenges, thrived when put on the spot and had to fight her hardest to win. But that was in Martial Arts, not... Not whatever this crap was! She had never been challenged like this before!

"You're always saying how you are the best, how you always win and faces all challengers without fear or hesitation, Ranma." Daisuke continued and Ranma felt her pride and though loath to admit it, arrogance, bubbling up inside her. "So how about it? Will you accept this challenge or tuck your tail between your sexy legs and run from it?" Daisuke inquired, as Ranma grit her teeth at the thought of running like a coward.

But again... She was used to challenges in Martial Arts, not this perverted shit!

Daisuke ran his hands up her back, then slid them around her body and gently cupped her brests. "Or are you afraid that you can't handle it, that you will lose?" He inquired while gently caressing her breasts.

"Ranma Saotome does not loose!" Ranma protested indignantly, the words of her protest increasing her arousal. Her nipples were now as hard as diamonds and her pussy was aching for attention. But she wasn't going to admit defeat, not like this!

Daisuke chuckled, enjoying the game. "Alright, then let's see if you can keep that attitude for a full hour." He said and pointed out his clock on the wall. "It's two o'clock in the afternoon now. If you can hold out until three o'clock, it's your win. If you beg for a dicking before then, it's my win. Agreed?" He asked.

Ranma nodded firmly, though she was already feeling the intense heat and pressure building up in her body. "Agreed!" She said, though she couldn't help but moan a bit at the way Daisuke was playing with her breasts. She had to win this, she had to!

"Of course, what you are currently experiencing is just the beginning. I found a lot of really interesting shit in Happosai's stash." Daisuke commented while caressing her marvelous tits in a gentle unhurried manner.

"But I'm going to save the really good stuff for later. For now, I want to enjoy the moment. After all, this is a rare opportunity, isn't it?" He said, leaning down to kiss the side of Ranma's neck. Ranma shivered at the touch, her body betraying her by sending waves of pleasure through her.

The minutes ticked by, Daisuke's gentle touches grew bolder, his hands moving down to her hips and sliding into her boxers. He began to massage her inner thighs, his fingertips grazing the wet folds that shielded her soaked core. Ranma wanted to squirm in the chair, but was still unable to move. She was trying to find words to protest, but since each syllable would only make her more aroused, kept silent.

Her body was on fire, and she could feel Daisuke's breathing become heavier, his own desire palpable. It was infuriating, but she was also experiencing a level of pleasure she had never felt before. The room was filled with the sweet scent of the incense and the sound of Daisuke's gentle breathing. She was so focused on not speaking that it made it impossible not to fully experience every little touch, every scent and sound.

"Would you like to regain the ability to move, Ranma?" Daisuke breathed into her ear. "I can release that pressure point. I just need some reassurance that you won't be trying to run away." His voice was low and seductive, sending a thrill down her spine.

Ranma gritted her teeth, trying to ignore the growing ache between her legs. "Fine," she managed to murmur, her cheeks burning with embarrassment.

Daisuke removed his hands, leaving her feeling oddly bereft of his touch. She heard him pick something up, then she felt him slip and fasten a collar around her neck. "Don't worry, this is to keep you from running." He said and then pressed the point on her back that released her paralysis.

Ranma rose and spun around to face him, one arm covering her naked breasts. She wasn't sure what she would have said, but no words emerged as she spotted the leash in his hand, obviously connected to the collar around her neck.

"No running possible now." Daisuke simply stated.

Ranma glared at him, her cheeks flushed and her eyes smoldering with anger. But the anger was mixed with something else, something she didn't quite understand. Something that made her body react in ways she didn't like at all. She felt exposed and vulnerable, but she had made a promise to herself. She would win this challenge.

"Of course, there's another benefit to me holding this leash and you wearing that collar. According to a note I found, the one in the collar can't disobey orders from the one holding the leash." Daisuke explained and smiled. "Shall we test it out?" He inquired.

Ranma's eyes narrowed, the betrayal burning deep in her heart. Yet, she remained silent, not wanting to give Daisuke the satisfaction of hearing her make herself more aroused by speaking. She braced herself for what was to come, her body trembling with a mix of nervousness and arousal she couldn't suppress.

"Put your arms down and puff your chest out, show me those glorious breasts and erect nipples in all their glory." Daisuke ordered and watched eagerly.

Ranma's arms fell to her side, revealing her ample breasts and hardened nipples, despite the heat and embarrassment that burned in her cheeks. She glared at him, but the collar's power held her in check. "What are you going to do?" she spat out, her voice low and filled with warning, only to pale as her arousal spiked.

Daisuke stepped closer, his eyes raking over her exposed body with a hunger that was no longer hidden. He took a deep breath, savoring the scent of her arousal. "First," he said, his voice a low purr, "I want to see you completely naked." He gave the leash a gentle tug. "Strip, Ranma. Get rid of those pants and whatever unflattering boy underwear you're wearing."

Ranma's cheeks burned even brighter, but she found herself moving to comply. Her pants dropped to the floor and she angrily kicked them aside. With trembling hands, she pulled her sodden boxers down, exposing her wet sex to the cool air. Daisuke's eyes darkened as he took in the sight of her, his cock growing stiffer with every inch of skin she revealed. He was already fully aroused, and the sight of her bare flesh only served to inflame his desires further.

He took a step closer, the leash tightening slightly as he approached. "You are so beautiful, Ranma," he murmured, reaching out to trace her collarbone with his fingertips. "So vulnerable and... delicious." His hand trailed down, brushing over the swell of her breasts and down to her stomach, his thumb circling the sensitive skin just above her clit.

Ranma's eyes clenched shut as she felt the touch, the pressure building in her core. She wanted to push him away, to fight back, but the collar held her in thrall. Her body was responding to his every touch, betraying her with each shiver and gasp. "D-Daisuke," she whispered, her voice shaking with the effort to stay in control, but speaking just made her more aroused.

He leaned in, his breath hot against her neck as his hand slipped lower. "Does that feel good?" he murmured, his thumb brushing her clit gently.

Ranma's eyes shot open, and she bit her lip to hold back the moan that threatened to escape. "You're...you're not playing fair," she accused, her voice trembling with the effort to remain calm, but her protest just made things harder, as she still kept getting more aroused by speaking.

Daisuke chuckled; his eyes gleaming with mischief. "I do not recall any sort of restrictions or limitations being put in place. You just agreed to try and hold out for an hour, but with no restrictions, I am free to do whatever I want to make you lose." He whispered into Ranma's ear. "And trust me, I'm going to enjoy every second of it."

His hand slid down further, his fingers delving into her wetness, teasing her entrance. "Besides," He said, "You're the one who like challenges so much. I'm just giving you what you want." He began to rub her clit in slow, torturous circles, making her entire body quiver with pleasure.

"D-Daisuke, st-stop," she managed to say through clenched teeth, the words escaping despite her effort to keep them in, making the pleasure spike even more.

"Why?" He asked innocently, his thumb pressing harder on her clit, making her hips jerk forward. "This seems like a delightful way to pass the time and surely this is the most pleasurable challenge you've ever had. You're not getting punched, kicked or forced to rescue someone who's been kidnapped. All you need to do, is not ask me to take your virginity."

Ranma's eyes narrowed and she clenched her fists. "You're enjoying this too much!" she accused, her voice a mix of anger and arousal.

"Of course. I have the prettiest and sexiest girl in town naked and horny before me. What's not to like?" Daisuke calmly responded. "Now, let's continue."

He gave the leash a gentle tug, urging Ranma to step closer. She stumbled, her legs feeling like jelly as she complied. His hand never left her clit, his thumb moving in a steady rhythm that made her knees wobble and she gasped as two of his fingers slipped into her wet pussy.

"Daisuke," she whimpered, her resolve slipping as the pleasure grew unbearable. She wanted to hate him, to fight him, but he had her in his thrall, her arousal just increasing the more she spoke. His caresses weren't helping either. Ranma usually hated being treated as a girl, being born and raised as a boy. But her current arousal was making her body crave his touch despite her pride.

With each stroke of his fingers into her depths and each circle of his thumb around her clit, she felt her walls tighten around his fingers, her juices coating them. It was so embarrassing; she felt like she was going to pass out from the sheer humiliation of it all.

"A-are...are you...going to...c-continue like this?" She stuttered, her voice betraying her desperation as she felt herself getting closer to the edge.

"Of course. I still have... Fifty minutes to make you beg." Daisuke said after a quick glance at the clock.

Ranma paled and shivered, not able to comprehend that only ten minutes had passed so far. Daisuke's touch was driving her crazy, and she knew she had to find a way to resist. Her thoughts raced, trying to think of a way to win the challenge without losing herself to the intense pleasure that was building within her.

Daisuke took notice of her discomfort, and a wicked smile curled his lips as he leaned in to whisper into her ear, "Why don't we make this more interesting? I can remove the pressure point that makes you aroused when speaking, but I will use another instead. And no, I am not telling you what the new one does until after it's been applied..."

Ranma's eyes widened with a mix of fear and intrigue, but she nodded her agreement, desperate to gain any advantage in this twisted game. Daisuke's hands left her body momentarily, and she felt the pressure point change. When she spoke again, her words did not increase her arousal, but she was still feeling incredibly aroused from earlier.

"Alright," she said, her voice strong, trying to sound confident despite the tremble in her tone. "Let's get this over with."

With a grin, Daisuke pressed another point. Ranma felt something change, but in spite of how well she knew her body, couldn't quite tell what had changed. Her mind raced, trying to figure out what kind of challenge he had set for her now. Daisuke leaned in closer, his hand sliding down her side to grasp her hip, his eyes dark with lust.

He spanked her butt and Ranma yelped, her eyes widening as her arousal spiked. He ran his hand over her now tender skin and her legs trembled as it felt insanely pleasurable. It was as if her butt had turned into a supercharged erogenous zone, any hint of touch felt insanely good and caused her already high arousal to go even higher.

"You like that, don't you?" Daisuke teased, giving her another smack, harder this time, making her yelp and jump. She felt the wetness in her pussy increase and she couldn't believe she was letting him do this to her. But she also couldn't believe how good it felt.

"No!" She protested, but it felt hollow even to her own ears. It felt so insanely good that it was hard to deny just how incredibly amazing it felt. "Daisuke, please..." she begged, her voice thick with arousal, her body betraying her with each word she uttered.

Daisuke just chuckled in response, his hand landing on her butt again. This time it was a gentle caress, his fingertips tracing the curve of her cheek before sliding down to her thighs. "You know what to do to win, Ranma. You just need not to beg for my dick." He reminded her, his voice a seductive purr that made her skin tingle. "But if you do beg, you are mine until tomorrow morning."

Ranma gritted her teeth, trying to push the thought of begging away. She had to win this; she couldn't let Daisuke take advantage of her like this. But the feel of his hand on her was making it hard to think straight. The new pressure point was doing something to her, making her more sensitive, more responsive to his touch.

Her butt felt like it was burning and as Daisuke kept caressing her behind, she quickly discovered that this pressure point was worse than the first. At least before she could hold back her arousal somewhat by shutting up. But with her butt so hypersensitive, her arousal just kept skyrocketing with every caress, every spank. She was so close to begging already and only fifteen minutes had passed.

"Daisuke, stop!" she growled, trying to keep her voice from betraying just how far gone she was. But it was hard, really hard, especially when his hand was still playing with her buttocks.

"Hmm, perhaps we can make a deal... I am pretty horny myself, so how about this. If you get onto your knees and give me a boob job, I will get some relief and while you are kneeling with my cock between your boobs, I can't reach your hypersensitive butt, so you will get a break too." Daisuke offered with a smile.

Ranma felt a spike of anger at his audacity, but she was also desperate to get some control back. "Alright," she agreed, her voice tight with frustration. "But only because I need to win this challenge."

With trembling legs, she knelt before Daisuke and leaned forward, her breasts spilling into his waiting hands. He sighed in contentment as he squeezed and fondled them, his erection pressing against her soft mounds. She could feel the heat of his cock through his pants, and it sent a thrill through her body despite her determination to resist.

He took off his pants and boxers, kicking them aside and giving Ranma her first look at his huge member, made even longer, girthier and more imposing by the drugs he'd taken before she arrived. "Let's get to it," he said, placing his cock between her breasts.

Still in stunned surprise at his massive penis and now even more determined not to lose, as Ranma just couldn't imagine how her tiny body could possibly take such a huge cock, grit her teeth in determination. She put her hands on her own tits and began to push her breasts together, creating a warm, soft prison for his cock to slide back and forth in.

Her cheeks red with embarrassment and arousal, she felt his hot length pressing against her sensitive flesh. Daisuke groaned with pleasure as he watched her, his hands moving to her shoulders to help guide his cock, his eyes never leaving hers. "That's it," he murmured, his voice thick with desire. "Just like that."

Ranma's heart raced as she felt his cock sliding over her skin, the friction sending waves of pleasure through her body. Her nipples were still rock hard from earlier, and the pressure of his cock against her breasts was almost too much to bear. She knew that she had to keep going, to win this challenge and avoid getting fucked by this monster of a cock.

But she soon noticed that while Daisuke couldn't touch her hypersensitive butt, it still brushed against her own heels and ankles as she worked his cock with her boobs. Every single time it happened, her arousal spiked and she started panting heavily as she felt a climax building. "D-Daisuke," she moaned, her voice thick with lust she couldn't hold back anymore.

Her eyes were glued to the top of his cock. Her cursed form had boobs big enough that she would be able to completely hide most cocks completely, but not this one. It poked out of her cleavage like an imposing monolith and she noted how scarily close it got to her face and mouth on her downstrokes. As her butt kept brushing against herself, she keened with arousal. She had at first tried to keep it from happening, but now she just accepted it as inevitable and cursed how good it felt.

Daisuke's breathing grew heavier as he watched Ranma's breasts bounce and jiggle with the motion. He couldn't believe his luck, having his cock massaged by the most perfect tits he had ever seen. He reached down to caress her cheek, his thumb tracing the line of her jaw as he leaned in closer. "You're doing so well, Ranma," he praised her. "Would you like some lube? It will make it easier to get me off and prevent your perfect breasts from getting friction burns."

Ranma nodded, not trusting her voice to remain steady and nervous about just how sultry it would sound at the moment. Daisuke reached over and picked up a small clay bottle from his desk, uncorking it and pouring a small splash of it on his dick, which quickly flowed down and coated the valley of her breasts too. The sudden coolness made her gasp, and she felt the slickness ease the way as she continued to squeeze and massage him.

The smell hit her next. It hit her nostrils like a freight train and her brain received frantic messages that this was the absolutely best smelling thing ever. After that, it only took milliseconds before a stray thought hit her as her eyes remained glued to Daisuke's huge cock. 'If the smell is this good, how amazing is the taste?' she wondered.

Before she could stop herself, her tongue darted out and licked the tip of his cock. It was like the sweetest, most intoxicating candy she had ever tasted. The taste was so overwhelming that she couldn't help but to moan in pleasure. Daisuke's eyes went wide with satisfaction before his expression morphed into pure bliss. "Fuck, that's good," he groaned, his grip on her shoulders tightening.

Ranma felt like a helpless observer as she took more of him into her mouth without a conscious decision to do so. Her tongue danced around his head, savoring the taste as she bobbed her head back and forth, her eyes crossing as she stared down at her own boobs and the huge cock she was now swallowing hungrily. It was like someone else had taken control of her body, and she was powerless to resist the urge to taste more of his incredible dick.

"It's a lube from Happosai's collection. It's supposed to make a cock smell and taste better than anything else. The notes said that it could make an enthusiastic cocksucker out of even the most strong-willed girl. The semen is supposed to be even better..." Daisuke's voice rumbled from above, as Ranma massaged his cock with her boobs, sucked him off with gusto and rubbed her bum repeatedly against her ankles and heels, lost in a pleasured aroused haze.

The taste was indeed heavenly, making her want more, making her feel like she was floating on a cloud of pure ecstasy. She felt Daisuke's cock twitch and grow even larger in her mouth as she sucked and licked him with an enthusiasm she had never felt before. Her bum burned like an aroused inferno and all thoughts of the challenge were blown away. All that existed in Ranma's current world was her arousal, her need to taste as much of Daisuke's cock as possible and the delightful way her butt felt whenever it touched or brushed against her own skin.

Daisuke's moans grew louder, his breaths more ragged as he watched her take him in so eagerly. His hips began to rock back and forth, fucking her mouth with increasing urgency. "You're so good at this," he groaned, his hands moving from her shoulders to her head, guiding her movements. "I can feel myself getting closer..." He lied, in reality he was far from it, the enhancement drugs he had taken earlier rendering his cock into an unstoppable relentless force of nature unless he actively choose to allow himself to cum.

But Ranma absently noted his words and grew more enthusiastic, growing truly frantic in her eagerness to taste his seed. She didn't care about the challenge anymore. All she could think of was the taste of his cock and the incredible feeling of his hardness in her mouth. Her body was on fire with need and she felt like she was going to die if she didn't get more. And if his semen was truly better, if the taste was even more incredible? She had to find out, she had to make him cum.

Daisuke watched her with a mix of shock and excitement. He had never seen Ranma like this, never even imagined it was possible. But here she was, his best friend, eagerly sucking him off like a pro, her eyes glazed with lust. It was a sight that was too good to be true. He had to admit, Happosai's hoard had been a godly boon for him.

Ever so slowly, Ranma's frantic bobbing and sucking pulled more and more of his dick into her throat. He watched with amazement as Ranma eventually swallowed him whole. It would have been challenging even before Happosai's drugs had made him bigger and thicker, but now it was a borderline miracle. But somehow, she had done it. Some weird combination of her discipline, her frantic need, incredible arousal and the malleable nature of her cursed form had enabled her to fully take all of him.

Daisuke felt himself grow even more erect if that was even possible. The feeling of her tight throat was unbelievable, and he had to fight the urge to just let go and empty himself into her. But no, he had to be patient. He had to enjoy this. And enjoy it he did, watching her cheeks hollow as she worked his cock like a pro, her throat muscles doing wonders around his girth.

"Good girl, Ranma. I never thought you of all people would enjoy sucking cock so much or that such a petite form could take all of me." He praised her and patted the top of her head, stroking her hair. "Would you like a reward? Would you like to feel me cum, coating your eager mouth and thirsty throat with my seed?" He asked.

Ranma nodded vigorously, not breaking her rhythm. The taste of Daisuke's cock was like nothing she had ever experienced, and she was desperate to taste his cum, to feel it fill her mouth and throat. She moaned around him, her eyes watering with the effort of taking him so deep, but she didn't care. All she wanted was to make him cum, to taste his seed.

Daisuke watched her with a mix of amazement and lust, his grip tightening in her hair as he began to thrust into her mouth with more force. He could feel his orgasm building, his balls drawing up tight as he relaxed his control over his climax. "I'm going to cum," he warned her, his voice strained with need. "Swallow it all, Ranma. Every drop."

Ranma nodded again, her eyes shifting up to meet his, a silent plea in her eyes. She felt the heat of his cock pulse against her tongue, and she knew she was about to get her reward. Daisuke's hips jerked, and with a roar, he released his seed into her mouth. She felt the warmth and thickness of it fill her, and she eagerly swallowed, the taste even more heavenly than she had imagined. She continued to suck, not wanting to miss a single drop, her own arousal reaching new heights as she tasted his pleasure.

As Daisuke's climax subsided, Ranma slowly pulled away, her mouth a sticky mess and her chin glistening with his cum. She sat back on her heels, panting heavily, her eyes still on Daisuke's cock, which was still rock hard despite his release. He looked down at her with a smug smile, his chest heaving with the aftermath of his orgasm as she rocked back and forth, stimulating her hypersensitive butt on her own and gathered his cum off her smooth skin, sucking it off her fingers with obvious enjoyment.

"Twenty-five minutes to go, Ranma." Daisuke purred, reminding the maddeningly aroused redhead about the challenge.

Ranma's cheeks flushed even darker, the taste of Daisuke's cum lingering on her tongue and in her throat. She felt so humiliated, so used, but her arousal was like a siren's song, calling to her, demanding more. "What...what now?" she panted, her voice thick with a mix of impending defeat and lust.

"Hmmm, how about a choice for you? I could pull you over my lap and give your hypersensitive butt a nice spanking... Or I could switch things up a bit, releasing your butt pressure point and instead play around with a nice salve I found earlier..." He offered, pointedly not mentioning what the salve did.

Ranma's eyes widened with uncertainty and excitement. "W-what does the salve do?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

"Something pretty nice. So, what will it be? Trying to endure me spanking your cute hypersensitive behind or let me apply a salve with effects only I know about." Daisuke grinned down at Ranma, who was still feeding her own arousal by moving her butt against her legs and feet.

The thought of his strong hand coming down on her bare butt was almost too much. But the mystery of the salve intrigued her. It could be anything, good or bad, but she felt like she needed a change. "The salve," she breathed out, her voice thick with anticipation.

Daisuke grinned and picked up the leash from the ground where he had dropped it earlier, then retrieved a small clay pot from his desk where he had put all his more spectacular finds. "Come along now, Ranma." He called and led her over to his bed, where he sat down on the edge, then pulled Ranma onto his lap. She moaned as her sensitive butt was dragged across his legs, until she was pulled flush up against his body, his massive shaft pressing against her pussy and stomach.

"Now, hold still," Daisuke instructed, his voice taking on a more serious tone. He dipped his fingers into the pot and pulled out a small dollop of the mysterious salve. "This might sting a bit at first, but it's for the best, I promise."

Ranma wanted to protest that she was still affected by the pressure point which made her butt so insanely sensitive, but words caught in her throat as he started massaging the salve into her breasts. The cold, tingling sensation was surprisingly pleasant, sending a shiver down her spine and making her nipples tighten into little peaks. The tingle soon turned into the stinging sensation Daisuke had mentioned. Her eyes widened in shock and she watched as Daisuke's grin grew wider.

"Can you guess what this salve will do to your breasts?" Daisuke asked teasingly as he made sure to rub the salve all over her massive mammaries. Ranma could feel the sting growing stronger, but it was also mixed with a strange, building sensation that was making it hard to think straight.

"I-I don't know," Ranma managed to stammer, her eyes squeezed shut as she felt her nipples harden even more. She had never felt anything quite like this before, and she was both terrified and fascinated by the sensations that were coursing through her body.

"Rejoice, Ranma. Your boobs will grow even bigger over the next week or so. It draws upon your Chi to grow them, so a powerful Chi user like you will probably gain at least a full cup size, maybe two." He explained while continuing to fondle her tingling and stinging breasts. If it wasn't for the fact that his touch made the stinging sensation more manageable, she would have snapped at him. "As a side effect, you will probably find them itching as they slowly grow, an itch another person needs to massage away. Luckily, you have me willing and happy to assist." Daisuke continued and hefted one of her boobs up, sucking her nipple into his mouth.

Ranma's eyes shot open and she screamed as Daisuke's mouth closed around her nipple. The combination of pain, pleasure and the hungry lips was too much for her. Her pussy spasmed and she felt her juices start to flow even more heavily. "Daisuke, stop, this isn't fair!" she protested, though her protest was weak and laced with pleasure.

Daisuke just chuckled around her nipple before pulling away. "Life isn't fair, Ranma. Besides, you agreed to this challenge." He reminded her, before he resumed kissing, licking and sucking on her breast while fondling the other. The sting continued, but with his mouth and hands working their soothing magic, it was a mix of pain and pleasure that was hard to resist.

Ranma squirmed in his lap, her mind racing. She had never felt anything like this before, and she couldn't help but wonder if her boobs were actually going to get even bigger. The idea was both terrifying and thrilling, and she felt her pussy clench with excitement. "Please, Daisuke," she begged, her voice barely above a whisper.

His left hand snaked around and groped her bum, reminding her that she was still hypersensitive there, her pleasure and arousal spiking even further.

"Now, now," Daisuke chastised her, his voice a mix of amusement and authority. "You can't just ask for things. You have to earn them." He began to squeeze and knead her cheeks, the almost overwhelming pleasure making her arch her back and moan.

Her eyes rolled back in her head and she threw her arms around his neck, holding on for dear life as he continued to play with her sensitive spots. The feeling of his cock against her stomach, his mouth and right hand on her breasts while his left hand groped her butt was driving her wild. "Please, Daisuke, I need..." she gasped, unable to form coherent thoughts.

He pulled away from her breasts with a pop, leaving her nipples standing erect and glistening with his saliva. "Need what, Ranma?" He asked, his voice a low growl of desire. "Do you need me to fuck you? Because if you ask me nicely, I might just consider it. The lube from earlier is supposed to make it truly heavenly, the best thing you've ever experienced. Cumming inside is supposed to be beyond imagination"

Ranma's mind was racing. Did she dare? Did she want to? The thought of his huge cock filling her up, of the intense pleasure she had felt from his touch earlier was making it hard to think straight. "P-please, Daisuke," she begged, her voice shaky with need. She wasn't even sure what she was asking for, for him to stop or for him to fuck her silly.

He chuckled darkly, enjoying her torment. "Please what, Ranma?" He emphasized the 'what', his hand on her butt moving in slow, agonizing circles. "Tell me what you want, and I might just give it to you."

Her breath hitched, and she bit her bottom lip. "Please, Daisuke... I need... I need you to... to fuck me," she whimpered, the words barely leaving her mouth.

He glanced aside at the wall clock and grinned. "And there was just ten minutes left too, but this means that you lost the challenge. You are now mine for the rest of the evening and night." He declared victoriously.

Ranma felt a pang of defeat but she also felt something else, something she hadn't felt before. It was a strange mix of anger, need, desire, and something that she had never quite felt before. It was as if she had been starving and he had just offered her a feast. She felt... Liberated in a strange way. Losing the challenge had won her something else, something unexpected.


She had agreed to the challenge, hastily and rashly perhaps, but she had agreed and thus she would abide by the terms and become his until morning. But by turning herself over to his control, she was also no longer responsible for her own actions and sensations. She no longer needed to fight against her arousal and pleasure, she could just... Accept them, enjoy them even. With Daisuke calling the shots until morning, she was free to just wantonly enjoy everything and experience all the pleasure she had fought so hard against over the last fifty minutes or so.

Ranma might have lost control, but she had never felt freer and more liberated than she did right now.

"Yeah, you won. I am yours for the night." She admitted out loud, then moaned gutturally in pleasure as she surrendered and stopped fighting against the pleasure.

Daisuke's smile grew even wider at her admission, his eyes glinting with victory. He leaned down, whispering in her ear, "You're going to be such a good little slut for me." His hands began to work her body more urgently now, his grip on her breasts tightening as he squeezed and played with them, his other hand rubbing her sensitive buttocks, sending bolts of pleasure through her body.

Her breath hitched at his words, but she didn't protest. Instead, she leaned into his touch, her body craving more. The salve on her breasts was working its magic, the itch growing stronger and more insistent, making her squirm and whine. "Please, Daisuke," she begged, her voice needy and desperate.

He chuckled darkly and leaned in closer, his breath hot against her ear. "Please what, Ranma?" he whispered, his hand sliding down her stomach to cup her dripping pussy. "Tell me exactly what you want, and I'll make it happen."

Her cheeks flushed a deep shade of red and she swallowed hard, her heart racing with anticipation. "I... I need you inside me," she breathed out, the words barely audible. "Please, Daisuke, I want you to fuck me."

Daisuke raised her entire body, her smooth silky skin rubbing against his own until her dripping pussy was positioned right over his diamond-hard shaft. Her breath caught in her throat as she felt his cock nudge her wet, throbbing entrance. Reminding herself that she was free to just surrender to everything, that the loss of her virginity wasn't her fault and that the dire need she felt to be fucked would finally be satisfied, she smiled as Daisuke started lowering her body, spearing her on his long girthy shaft.

With the magic lube still coating his cock, Ranma easily stretched to accommodate the beast which should have torn her tiny pussy in half. She howled in pleasure as Daisuke sunk further and further into her, until all she could feel, all she could focus on was how her pussy eagerly took him all in, inch by inch.

Daisuke was equally amazed. He had never felt anything so tight, so warm and welcoming in all his life. The feeling was exquisite and the look of pure ecstasy on Ranma's face as she took him was a sight to behold. He waited a moment, giving her a chance to adjust before he began to rock her body back and forth on his cock, his hands glued to her hypersensitive butt.

Ranma threw her head back and screamed in pleasure as Daisuke's cock filled her completely. The feeling of his shaft stretching her was unlike anything she had ever experienced. It was like a dam had burst within her, and all the pleasure she had been holding back for so long was rushing out in waves, crashing over her and leaving her helpless in its wake.

Daisuke's grin grew wider as he felt her tight, wet walls clamp down on him. "You're so tight, Ranma," he groaned, his hips moving faster as he pushed her down onto him. "But still you took all of me in. You truly are the best, the best at sex!"

Ranma's eyes rolled back in her head as she felt herself being stretched and filled beyond what she thought was possible. The pleasure was so intense it bordered on pain, but she didn't care. She wanted more, needed more of him inside her. "Fuck me harder," she begged, her voice a mix of pleasure and desperation. "I want it all, Daisuke, give it to me!"

Daisuke chuckled, his grip on her hips tightening as he began to thrust up into her with more force. Each stroke sent shockwaves through her body, making her moan and squirm with delight. Her breasts bounced with every thrust, the salve making them even more sensitive to his touch. He leaned in, taking one of her nipples into his mouth again, sucking and biting it gently, making her scream.

The sensation of his teeth on her sensitive flesh was almost too much to bear, but she didn't want him to stop. Her pussy clenched around his cock, eager for more of the delicious friction that was driving her closer and closer to the edge of oblivion. She threw her arms around his neck, her nails digging into his skin as she held on for dear life, her body moving in sync with his rhythm.

"That's it, Ranma," Daisuke murmured, his voice low and hungry. "Just let go and let me take you there." He began to pound into her with all his might, his balls slapping against her ass as he fucked her like a wild animal in heat.

Already having come to terms with the fact that she was free to just enjoy herself, Ranma climaxed on his dick and just trembled as he kept on relentlessly fucking her. Her pussy spasmed and contracted around his length, her body begging for more and more of the pleasure he was giving her. Daisuke watched her intently, his eyes never leaving her face as he pumped into her. The sight of her losing control, the way her body responded to his touch was making him even more turned on.

"I'm going to cum again," Ranma panted after a minute to ride out her first orgasm, her voice breathless. "Don't stop, Daisuke, please don't stop."

Daisuke chuckled, his strokes becoming more deliberate and powerful. "I wasn't planning on it," he assured her, his hand moving to her clit and rubbing it in tight circles. "I was in fact planning on fucking you all the way until morning, I even took enhancers to make it possible. I will fuck your tiny pussy until you can't even imagine living without my cock. Then I will fuck your tight butthole until it's perfectly shaped to eagerly take my dick on a regular basis. All the way until morning, I will fuck your petite body in whatever way I can imagine, no matter if you are conscious for it or not." He declared.

Ranma felt a thrill of anticipation and excitement at his words, and she couldn't help but whimper as his fingers worked their magic on her clit. She had never been so lost in pleasure before, and she had a feeling she was in for a wilder ride then she had first signed up for. But she was hooked, hooked on being free of all responsibilities and free to just be herself, albeit herself owned by Daisuke.

His intent to make her want to stay with him even longer than the next morning was worrying for a few moments, until Ranma reminded herself that she was his for now. If he decided to use that time to make her want to be his permanently, well, she hadn't exactly put any limits on what he could do, now had she? Thus, she let go of her worries and just felt gloriously free.

The thought of his cock inside her all night made her shiver with excitement. "Oh god, Daisuke," she moaned, her body writhing as she climbed closer and closer to her next orgasm. "I've never felt anything like this before."

"You will feel it again and again from now on. If you think I'm ever giving this up, giving you up, you're more insane than all the Kuno's combined. You. Are. Mine!" Daisuke snarled.

Ranma felt a thrill at his possessive words and the way his cock seemed to thicken and pulse inside her as he said them. It was as if he had claimed her very soul and she had no intention of fighting him on it. In fact, she didn't even know if she wanted to. The feeling of belonging to someone so completely was new and thrilling, like nothing she had ever experienced before.

As she silently admitted to herself that he was probably right in assuming that she would want to remain his forever, Ranma climaxed again. Her body bucked and she screamed out his name, her pussy contracting around him in waves of pleasure. Daisuke grunted in response, feeling her tightness grip him like a vice.

Still not ready to cum, Daisuke stood up with the convulsing girl in his arms and kept on fucking her for a few moments, before he put her down on the bed, turning her around on all fours so he could rail into her doggystyle. As her hypersensitive behind kept slamming into his groin with the force of his thrusts, her arousal just kept on growing. With her body affected by the weakness Moxibustion, her arms lost strength and her upper body collapsed onto the bed, where her itching breasts being dragged back and forth just added to the typhoon of arousal washing over her.

Daisuke grabbed her hips and started pumping into her from behind with a ferocity that made the bed frame creak and groan with every thrust. He could feel his climax building, his balls tightening with the need to release, but he held back, not yet ready to end this glorious moment. He leaned over, his mouth finding her neck, biting and kissing it as he fucked her, his hands reaching under her to squeeze and maul her now even more sensitive breasts.

Ranma's body was a tapestry of sensations, each touch and movement from Daisuke sending her spiraling higher and higher. The salve on her breasts had done its work, making them feel as if they were on fire with need, and the friction against the bed only served to drive her wild. The pressure point affecting her butt was even more impactful, every time Daisuke bottomed out inside her, her bum bumped into his groin and light flashed in her vision from sheer pleasure.

Daisuke's grip on her hips tightened as he pounded away, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "You're going to make me cum so fucking hard, Ranma," he growled, his voice thick with lust. "You're going to feel every drop of my seed inside you."

Ranma could feel herself losing control again, her body responding instinctively to his dominance. "Yes, Daisuke," she moaned, her voice barely recognizable as she recalled the incredible taste of his cum in her mouth and his statement that it would be pleasurable beyond imagining inside her pussy making her mouth water.

The room was a blur of passion as Daisuke continued to claim her from behind, his cock driving deep into her with a force that seemed to shake her very soul. She could feel his orgasm approaching, his grip on her hips becoming bruising, his strokes erratic and desperate.

Her own climax was building again, the itch in her breasts growing to an unbearable crescendo. "Daisuke, please," she begged, her voice a desperate whine. "I can't take it anymore."

"Oh, but you will, so much more," he chuckled darkly, his fingers digging into her hips as he hammered into her. "But for now, just cum and then I'm going to fill you up."

With his encouragement, Ranma's body obeyed, and she shuddered through another powerful climax, her pussy contracting around Daisuke's cock as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through her. He groaned and finally let himself go, his hot seed flooding into her as he buried his cock to the hilt, his hips jerking with the force of his release.

His seed triggered another orgasm in Ranma, who had barely even succumbed to the previous one. She was completely lost and awash in pleasure, unaware of her surroundings for several minutes as she just shuddered and trembled on Daisuke's cock. He smiled down at the dazed girl with a possessive smile and gently rubbed her butt while still sheathed inside her pussy. His erection was still firmly in place and he felt ready for more, but he wanted Ranma aware for it.

After a few moments of letting her body recover from the intense pleasure, Daisuke gently pulled out and allowed her to collapse forward onto the bed, her arms and legs still wobbly. He looked down at her, his eyes dark with lust as he admired the way she looked, sprawled out and covered in sweat. Her breasts heaved with every breath she took, her pussy glistening with their combined juices.

He fetched the lube and applied a fresh coat to his cock and fingers, then returned to the bed and unceremoniously pushed two fingers into her butthole. The lube made his fingers slip inside with zero resistance and cleaned her insides in a brief burst of magic. The unexpected but fully pleasurable sensation stirred Ranma back to awareness and she moaned wantonly as Daisuke fingered her butthole.

"You're so perfect," he murmured, his voice thick with lust. "So tight and eager to take whatever I give you." He began to pump his fingers in and out of her ass, stretching her, preparing her for what was to come.

Ranma moaned and pushed back against him, her body already craving more. The sensation of his fingers inside her was strange, yet incredibly arousing. She had never been touched there before, and the feeling of being filled in such a taboo way was intoxicating. "Please," she whimpered, her voice needy and wanton. "More."

Daisuke chuckled; his eyes gleaming with excitement. He knew he had her hooked, and the thrill of it was making him rock hard again. He added a third finger, scissoring them inside her to stretch her even further. He could feel her body tense up, but she didn't protest, instead pushing back against his hand, urging him on. "So eager," he murmured, his voice thick with satisfaction. "You're going to love this, I promise."

Ranma's breath was coming in pants as she felt his fingers slide out of her ass, only to be replaced by the head of his cock. The feeling of his thickness pushing against her tight hole was both concerning and exhilarating. She tensed up for a moment, but then forced herself to relax, remembering that she had given herself over to him completely. "Just do it," she whispered, bracing herself for the pain she expected from taking such a massive thing into her tiny little butthole

The pain never materialized however, the magic lube once again doing its job of making the impossible all too possible. Inch by inch of cock was swallowed eagerly by Ranma's butthole while she experienced only a delicious growing fullness and a mindboggling amount of sheer pleasure.

Daisuke watched with rapt attention as he slowly penetrated her, his cock disappearing into her tight ass. "You're so perfect," he murmured. "So beautiful when you're full of me." He pushed in deeper, feeling her tightness grip him like a glove, her walls squeezing and releasing around him as she got used to his size.

Ranma's eyes went wide as she felt him enter her, but she bit her lip to keep from crying out. It was strange, yes, but the pleasure was too intense to ignore. The sensation of fullness was overwhelming, and she found herself pushing back against him, eager for more.

Daisuke groaned in pleasure as he felt her body adjust to his girth. "Good girl," he praised, his voice low and gruff. "You're taking it so well." He began to move, his hips rocking slowly at first, then building up speed and power as she grew more accustomed to the sensation.

Ranma's eyes squeezed shut as she felt herself being claimed in a manner she never thought possible. The feeling of his cock sliding in and out of her ass was unreal, sending waves of pleasure through her that made her entire body shake. She could feel his balls slapping against her, and the wet sounds of their bodies connecting filled the air.

Realizing that Daisuke still hadn't undone the pressure point affecting her rear, she suddenly understood why the pleasure was so overwhelming, so all-encompassing and so addictive. All thoughts of asking him to undo it vanished as she once again acknowledged that she was his for now and with how incredible it felt, probably would be his forever as she just couldn't imagine a life that didn't involve being fucked in the ass by Daisuke's relentless shaft on a regular basis.

Her breathing grew ragged as Daisuke picked up the pace, his cock slamming into her with a force that shook the bed. Ranma's moans grew louder, filling the room as she lost herself in the sensation of being filled so completely. Daisuke's hand reached around, finding her clit and giving it a firm squeeze, sending her spiraling into another orgasm that had her body convulsing around him.

He didn't stop and Ranma didn't want him to stop. She just calmly accepted that her role was to just scream in pleasure and cum repeatedly with his dick in her ass until he decided to switch things up. With that acceptance, Ranma just surrendered to pleasure and started climaxing on repeat as Daisuke pistoned in and out of her anus like a relentless perpetual motion machine. Her moans were a symphony of pleasure, each note a testament to Daisuke's mastery of her body.

Freedom came with a lot of orgasms Ranma bemusedly observed in the midst of another world-changing climax. She had lost count of how many orgasms she'd experienced while speared on his hard cock, but it didn't matter. Another would soon come over her and scramble her brains yet again, so she just resolved to enjoy all of them and enjoy the ride. Or being ridden, as the case currently was.

Daisuke's hand left her clit to wrap around her waist, guiding his cock deeper and harder into her ass with every thrust. He had found a rhythm that had Ranma's body responding like a well-played instrument, each plunge into her tightness making her shiver and quiver. The pressure was unbearable but she didn't want it to stop. The pleasure was so intense it was like nothing she had ever felt before.

Her mind was a haze of pleasure as Daisuke continued to claim her ass, his grunts and growls of satisfaction only serving to spur her on. She could feel another orgasm building, her pussy clenching and her ass tightening around him. "Yes, Daisuke," she moaned, her voice a mix of pleasure and desperation. "Fuck me harder!"

"There are more pressure points I could activate, my sexy Ranma. You could be made to become even more sensitive, to feel even more pleasure..." Daisuke teased her. "Would you like me to do so? To make this whole experience even more unforgettable? There are also plenty of drugs and items that I haven't used yet. Who knows how loudly I could make you howl in pleasure if I used more of them?"

Ranma's body was on fire with desire, and the thought of even more intense pleasure was almost too much to handle. She nodded frantically, her breath coming in short gasps. "Yes," she managed to whisper. "More, Daisuke, please, I want to feel everything."

Daisuke pulled Ranma into his arms, then carried her over towards his desk while still fucking her ass. He held her up with one hand on her butt while grabbing a bracelet from the desk, holding it up in front of her dazed face. "This is a bonding bracelet, Ranma. If I put this on you, you will be unable to have sex with any other man. For the rest of your life or until I remove it, my cock is the only one that will taste the wetness of your pussy and the tightness of your butthole. It also makes you cum more easily on my cock and the more we fuck, the more you will find yourself loving it, loving me." He explained while Ranma stared at the bracelet in awe.

This was it. If he put that on her, there would be no turning back. Not being able to fuck other men was a non-issue, something she had no interest in previously and likely wouldn't have in the future either. But with how dangerously close she already was to surrendering herself to Daisuke forever, this would likely completely tip the scales in his favor. But, again, she was his for now, no restrictions. She was free to just enjoy herself. So, she nodded eagerly. "I want to wear it," she whispered.

Daisuke snapped the bracelet on her wrist and the sensation and pleasure from her butthole still being speared on his cock increased in potency. Ranma gasped, her eyes rolling back into her head as the magic took hold. Her body was now bound to him in a way that went beyond mere physical desire. It was as if she had been imprinted to crave his touch, to need his cock filling her in a way that was beyond her control.

Next to appear before her eyes seemed like a small silver earring. "Some of the notes I looked through that Happosai jotted down during his travels spoke of Jusenkyo curses. One thing he noted was that the transformation wouldn't occur if the cursed person’s body would be injured by the transformation. This is just a regular earring with a minor piercing enchantment, so it can be used quickly by anyone. But the enchantment isn't limited to just piercing ears. If I were to pierce your clit with this, what do you think would happen if your female body was splashed by hot water?" Daisuke asked and Ranma's breath caught in her throat as she realized that her curse would be locked, that she would remain female for as long as her clit was pierced.

Daisuke thrust upwards into her asshole, bouncing her up and down a few times. "Don't bother trying to answer that, I already know that it would leave you unable to turn back into a boy. The more interesting question is this. Do you want me to pierce your clit with this earring, leaving you permanently female for me to ravage and fuck whenever I want unless you remove it?" Daisuke purred into her ear, his dick throbbing pleasurably inside her butt.

Ranma felt a spike of shock at the thought of being stuck as a girl, but it was quickly overshadowed by the intense pleasure of Daisuke's cock in her ass and the idea of always being free and available for such acts. The thrill of never being able to escape the intense pleasure of his cock was too much to resist. She nodded eagerly, her body betraying any hesitation she might have had. "Do it," she breathed, "Pierce my clit and make me yours forever."

Ranma soon found herself turned around to face Daisuke, seated precariously on the very edge of his desk, as he still had his cock lodged in her asshole and gently trust in and out as he brought the earring closer and closer to her clit as Ranma transfixedly followed the path of the earring down to her groin.

With a swift and precise movement that she couldn't quite anticipate despite her best efforts, Daisuke pushed the earring through the tender flesh of her clit. The pain was intense, but it was immediately followed by an indescribable pleasure that had Ranma screaming in ecstasy. Her body convulsed around his cock as the piercing took hold, the magic working its way through her system and locking her transformation.

Ranma's eyes rolled back in her head as she felt a new level of sensitivity wash over her. The pleasure was so intense that she couldn't even process the pain anymore. It was like she had been reborn in a body that was solely made to be used for Daisuke's pleasure. Her mind swam with the implications of what she had just done, but the haze of arousal made it difficult to think of anything other than the feel of his cock inside her and the piercing that now made her locked in female form.

A golden ring and a silver ring were held up before her eyes. "This golden ring provides clothes and makeup according to what the silver rings wearer desires and also adepts the mindset to suit. So, if I want you to become an obedient sexy maid, maid clothes will appear and you will automatically find yourself acting the part. If I find myself wanting to fuck the arrogance out of a bratty Gyaru, that is what you will become. If I want you naked and tied up with a ferocious desire to suck cock, that is what you will turn into." Daisuke explained and put on the silver ring, then offered the golden one to Ranma.

Ranma took the golden ring with trembling hands, slipping it onto her finger. The metal was warm to the touch, almost comforting, as if it was welcoming her into a new phase of life. The moment the ring touched her skin, she felt a rush of energy, a sense of boundless potential.

"We'll have a lot of fun with these eventually, but for now, I'm happy enough to enjoy you as you are." Daisuke growled and rose. Ranma wrapped her legs around his waist for support as Daisuke hoisted her up from the desk and resumed fucking her ass with force and vigor. "But I think I would enjoy fucking your body in the hot water of the bath even more than here, now when you will remain female even with hot water." He declared and strode towards the bathroom, still bouncing Ranma up and down on his cock like a helpless ragdoll.

Ranma just moaned in joy and pleasure as her asshole eagerly took a dicking over and over again. Daisuke managed to get the lid off and pressed the buttons on the bathroom panel to fill the tub with water and heat it up, then just stood there beside the tub and fucked Ranma as the tub slowly started to fill up.

The warm water of the bath washed over them as Daisuke finally pulled out of her ass and gently lowered her into the tub. He stepped in after her, his cock standing at attention as the water lapped against his thighs. "Now, let's see how much you like being my little toy in the water," he said with a wicked smile as a dazed and still trembling in pleasure Ranma stared in wonder at herself as no transformation occurred. She sat in warm water, but didn't return to her male body. She was locked in female form, once her greatest fear other than cats, but all she felt was calm acceptance and oddly bereft now when Daisuke's cock was no longer lodged inside of her.

Daisuke noticed her look and chuckled. He picked her up and sat down, placing her on his lap so she straddled him, his cock standing tall between her legs. "You're not getting off that easy," he said, his hands reaching around to cup her breasts, which were now even more sensitive from the salve. "We still have hours and hours of fucking ahead of us before morning comes."

Ranma felt the water splash against her skin as Daisuke guided her onto his cock once again, this time filling her pussy. The sensation of his thickness sliding into her wetness was like nothing she had ever felt before. The piercing on her clit sent shivers of pleasure through her with every movement, and she knew that she would never be able to go back to being just his friend again.

Daisuke's hands roamed her body, his fingers playing with the new sensitivities the salve had unlocked. He pinched her nipples lightly, causing her to gasp and arch her back, pushing her breasts into his hands. Her hips began to rock of their own accord, riding his cock as the warm water caressed her skin. She felt like a creature of pure pleasure, unable to think of anything but the feeling of him inside her.

The water was now up to their chests, the warmth enveloping them as they moved in a sensual dance that was as old as time itself. Daisuke's hands slid down her sides to her waist, his thumbs grazing the sensitive flesh just above her hips. He squeezed gently, his grip firm and reassuring as he guided her movements, teaching her the rhythm that brought him the most pleasure.

Ranma's eyes fluttered closed as she felt his cock hit her g-spot with every stroke, the pressure building within her like a storm about to break. Her own hands found his shoulders, nails digging in slightly as she tried to hold onto something solid in the tumultuous sea of pleasure that was threatening to drown her.

"Look at me," Daisuke demanded, his voice a low rumble that resonated through the water. She opened her eyes to meet his, and the intensity of his gaze was almost too much to handle. "You're mine now," he said, his voice thick with possession. "Say it. Admit that you want more, that you will still be mine after the morning comes. Confess that what you truly desire is to squeal in joy and pleasure while speared on my shaft for the rest of your life."

Ranma's cheeks flushed pink with arousal and embarrassment, but she couldn't deny the truth of his words. "I'm yours, Daisuke," she murmured, her voice barely audible over the sound of their wet bodies slapping together. "I want to be filled by you forever."

With a triumphant smile, Daisuke leaned back, taking her with him so that she was straddling him fully. He held her in place, her back arched and her breasts bobbing in the water, as he began to thrust up into her, hard and fast. She moaned, her hips moving to meet his, their bodies perfectly in sync despite the sudden change in position.

The water sloshed around them as they fucked, Ranma's breasts bouncing with every thrust. The pressure of the water on her clit was driving her wild, and she found herself grinding down onto Daisuke's cock, desperate for more friction. His hands held her hips, guiding her movements, ensuring she took him as deeply as possible.

Daisuke's eyes never left hers, his gaze intense and unyielding. "You're so beautiful, Ranma," he murmured, his voice thick with lust. "I never knew how much I wanted you until now." His thumbs found her clit, rubbing it in slow, deliberate circles that had her moaning his name.

The water washed over them, carrying their cries of pleasure as they moved together. Ranma felt herself getting closer and closer to the edge, her entire body tightening around Daisuke's cock. "Don't stop," she begged, her voice hoarse from the constant moaning. "Please, don't stop."

Daisuke didn't stop. If anything, he picked up the pace, his movements becoming more urgent as he felt her climax approaching. "You're going to cum for me," he said, his voice a demand. "You're going to show me how much you love being my sexy slut."

Ranma's body responded to his words, her pussy clenching around him as she felt the beginnings of another orgasm. She threw her head back, her hair floating in the water as she let out a long, keening cry of pleasure. Her nails dug into his skin, leaving half-moons on his shoulders as she rode him, desperate for release and knowing that she was free to always enjoy release after release on Daisuke's cock.

The water was warm and the room was steamy, the only sounds were their wet slapping flesh and their mingled moans of pleasure. Daisuke's thumbs circled her clit faster, pressing down harder with each pass until she couldn't take it anymore. Her body went rigid, her back arching so deeply it almost seemed to break as she screamed out her climax, her pussy spasming around him in a deliciously tight embrace.

But Daisuke was nowhere close to done with her, simply pulling out of her pussy and entering her asshole without breaking the rhythm. Ranma gasped as the sudden change in sensation hit her, the tightness of her ass gripping him like a vice while she was still shaken by her latest orgasm. "You're so perfect," Daisuke murmured, his hands sliding down her back to grip her hips tightly. "You take it so well."

The warm water made her skin slick and the salve on her breasts made them feel like they were on fire with every touch. Daisuke's cock slammed into her ass, filling her completely, stretching her to her limits. The sensation was so intense that she could barely breathe, her body a living, pulsing mass of pleasure.

"You're going to cum again for me," Daisuke murmured, his voice a seductive purr that seemed to resonate in her very core. "You're going to love every second of it." He added and her golden ring flashed, responding to his desire and twisting her to suit his wishes.

Ranma felt the intensity of the pleasure double, her breasts feeling like they were about to burst with sensation and her asshole gripping his shaft like a vice. She nodded eagerly, her body already responding to his command. "Yes, Daisuke," she moaned, her hips moving of their own accord, meeting his thrusts eagerly as she felt another orgasm come over her.

She howled out in sheer ecstasy as her anal climax rushed over her, her body shaking uncontrollably. She was now so sensitive that even the water droplets trickling down her body felt like tiny explosions of pleasure and the dick in her ass was more like a nuclear explosion. The combination was almost too much to bear, but she reveled in it, knowing she was Daisuke's to use as he wished.

Daisuke watched her come apart in his arms with a smug smile, his eyes glinting with satisfaction. He knew he had her, that she was forever his to command and control. He leaned in to kiss her, his tongue sliding into her mouth as his cock plunged deeper into her ass. She tasted like sin and sex, and he couldn't get enough.

With a flash of their rings, Ranma suddenly transformed, but unlike her by now familiar transformations by the Jusenkyo curse, this was different. Her transformation this time wasn't from young male black-haired Martial Artist to short female red-haired Martial Artist or back. This time, her skin darkened, her hair went from red in pigtails to free-flowing blonde and she grew taller, her hips widened and her boobs grew from 'merely' massive to utterly ridiculously huge proportions.

Her exhaustion washed away, filling her with renewed energy and then her new deeper voice emerged in a trembling moan as something she would have thought was utterly impossible occurred, because she got even hornier, even more desperate and Daisuke's massive rod felt even better as it rammed into her newly aquired Gyaru asshole. Ranma couldn't see her own face, to busy staring in wonder and arousal at Daisuke's possessive, greedy and joyous expression, but she could feel make-up, eyeliner, fake lashes and more appear, a complete Gyaru make-over wash over her.

"Daisuke!" Her new deeper voice cried out in sheer joyous surprise and she slammed her hips down with renewed energy, eager to feel what an orgasm felt like in her remade body.

Daisuke chuckled in her ear, his grip on her hips tightening as he angled himself for deeper penetration. "Looks like you're enjoying your new look," he murmured, his voice dripping with amusement. "But remember, no matter how you look, you're still mine!" He punctuated each word with a hard thrust, his cock fully hilted with every stroke.

Ranma moaned, her new Gyaru body responding to his dominance in ways she hadn't anticipated. The former orgasm from her ass was now a distant memory, replaced by an overwhelming need for more, for Daisuke to fully claim this new body too. "I'm yours," she murmured, her voice now a sultry purr. "Fuck me harder, Daisuke. Make me cum again!"

Daisuke was more than happy to oblige. He stood up, lifting her effortlessly, and placed her on the edge of the tub. The cool air hit her oversensitive skin, making her gasp as he positioned her legs over his shoulders, giving him full access to her stretched and begging asshole. He pushed back into her, the water splashing around them as he began to pound away with a fervor that was almost scary.

"Why Happosai never took advantage of his horde is beyond me! Perhaps he was too old to get it up or was just satisfied merely fooling around with fresh panties, I dunno. But damn am I glad he left it all behind for me to experiment with!" Daisuke growled and Ranma the Gyaru howled in full agreement. Her pussy was already dripping wet from the change, begging for Daisuke's cock even though her ass was still being pounded to oblivion.

Her massive tits bobbed up and down as Daisuke's hands gripped her waist, lifting her and slamming her down on his cock with a ferocity that she had never felt before. The Gyaru make-over had brought out a new side to Ranma, one that was more brazen and hungrier for sex. Her eyes glazed over as she watched the muscles of his arms and chest flex with every thrust.

The water in the tub was now choppy from their movements, splashing onto the floor as Daisuke fucked her with the intensity of a man who had just discovered a new toy. Ranma's nails raked down his back as she felt the pressure building once again, her new body's orgasms somehow even more intense than the ones she had experienced in her regular girl form.

"Why, with his entire horde at my disposal, any girl could be mine! Would you like that, you horny Gyaru? Would you like to see another girl join us? See her squealing in ecstasy on my cock and taste her soaked pussy while your tight ass is being pounded from behind?" Daisuke demanded to know with a knowing grin.

Ranma, now fully embracing her Gyaru form, couldn't help but feel a spark of excitement at the thought. She had always had a bit of a competitive streak, and the idea of being the best at giving Daisuke pleasure was an intoxicating one. "Yes," she whispered, her voice a seductive purr. "I want to see you take another girl. Make her beg for it like I do."

Daisuke's smile grew wider, his eyes dark with lust as he drove into her even harder. "Good girl," he praised, his thumbs reaching around to tease her clit. "But for now, you're all I need. Your ass is so tight, so perfect."

Her moans grew louder with every stroke, the sound echoing off the tiles of the bathroom. Daisuke leaned in, his teeth grazing her neck as he whispered filthy promises of what he would do to her once they left the water. Ranma shivered, her body responding to his words with a renewed surge of desire.

"First," Daisuke said, his voice a low growl, "you're going to cum for me again. And when you do, I'm going to fill you up with my cum." He reached between her legs, his thumb pressing against her clit in time with his thrusts.

Ranma threw her head back, her blonde hair cascading down her shoulders as she felt the pressure build once more. Her body was no longer her own, a mere instrument for Daisuke's pleasure, and she reveled in it. "Fuck me," she moaned, her voice thick with lust. "Make me yours forever."

Daisuke's eyes gleamed with excitement at her words. He knew he had her completely under his spell, and the thought of what he could do with this power was exhilarating. He reached down and grabbed her massive breasts, squeezing them roughly as he fucked her ass without mercy. The salve had made them so sensitive that even the slightest touch sent waves of pleasure through her body.

Ranma's moans grew louder, her body writhing in pleasure as Daisuke's thumbs worked her clit. The piercing on her clit was now a constant source of pleasure, the slight pain mixing with the intense sensations from his touch to create an explosive cocktail that was driving her wild. She could feel herself getting closer and closer to the edge, her muscles tightening around his cock as she neared climax.

With a final, powerful thrust, Daisuke pushed her over the edge. Ranma's body convulsed, her orgasm ripping through her with the force of a hurricane. She screamed his name as he filled her ass with his cum, his own orgasm seeming to last forever as he emptied himself into her. The warmth of his seed inside her made her shiver, the sensation sending aftershocks of pleasure through her body.

As they both came down from the high of their climax, Daisuke gently lowered her into the water, his cock still buried deep within her. They sat there for a moment, panting and gasping for air, their bodies entwined in a way that was both intimate and possessive. The water had turned lukewarm, but neither of them cared, the heat of their passion keeping them warm.

Daisuke leaned back against the tub, pulling Ranma onto his lap so that she straddled him, his cock still pulsating inside her ass. "You're mine," he murmured again, his voice filled with satisfaction. "And I'm going to make sure you never forget it." He kissed her deeply, his tongue delving into her mouth and claiming it as surely as he had claimed her new body.

Ranma, now fully embracing her role as Daisuke's sexual plaything, wrapped her arms around his neck, her oversized breasts pressing against his chest. The feeling of his cum inside her was strange yet oddly comforting, a constant reminder of her submission to his desires. Her body felt alive with sensation, every nerve ending singing with pleasure.

Daisuke's hands roamed her new, voluptuous figure, squeezing and kneading her massive tits with a sense of ownership that sent shivers down her spine. He knew she was his, and the power thrilled him to his core. He whispered sweet nothings in her ear, his words a mix of love and dominance that made her pussy clench around the girth of his cock.

"You're such a good girl for me, Ranma..." He murmured and nibbled on her earlobe, shocking her as she only now noticed that her new body had no less than five earrings in each ear. "You deserve a reward for being my horny little pet... What do you want? What can I and my huge shaft do for such a horny nymphomaniac?" Daisuke whispered in her ear; his voice thick with lust.

Her mind raced with possibilities, but all she could manage was a needy whine as she ground her hips down on his cock, which was still lodged firmly in her ass. "More," she breathed, her voice a mix of desperation and greed. "I want more. I want it all!"

Daisuke chuckled, the sound vibrating through her body and sending little sparks of pleasure straight to her clit. "Greedy little slut," he murmured affectionately. "But you're right. You do deserve more." He leaned back, his cock slipping out of her with a wet pop. Ranma whined in protest, but Daisuke was already standing up, pulling her with him.

The water cascading off their bodies, they stepped out of the tub, the cool air hitting her skin like a slap. But it was a good kind of slap, the kind that made her nipples perk up and her pussy throb. Daisuke led her to the bed, his eyes never leaving hers. He was in charge, and she was his. The thought made her wetter than she already was.

"Bind me... Tie me up... Make my body as helpless to resist as my heart and mind already is." Ranma suddenly boldly requested, a reward finally crystalizing in her mind.

Daisuke was both surprised and pleased by the request. He looked at her with a smirk, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "As you wish," he said, and with another flash of their rings, a set of red velveteen bands appeared around her wrists and ankles. He laid her down on the bed, her massive Gyaru breasts bouncing as she did so.

Ranma gulped as the bands came to life, slithering across her dark smooth skin like living perverted entities. Her arms were pulled behind her back, her legs bent and her body became crisscrossed by red bands in intricate diamond patterns. Pretty soon, she was kneeling forward, her hair, knees and massive mammaries the only parts of her body in contact with the bed. She could wiggle her fingers and toes freely, but the rest of her only had the tiniest amount of give in the intricate bondage, leaving her body almost entirely motionless.

Ranma experimentally tested the bands, but in her weakened state, couldn't budge or tear them at all. She was helpless, what happened next entirely out of her control. Daisuke now had her entirely at his mercy, Ranma no longer even able to offer up token resistance even had she wanted to. Something she most certainly didn't want, as all she could think of was how she wanted more, much more.

She squeaked as he pressed two points on her back and her eyes widened in surprise as she felt her prodigal strength returned. He had cured her weakness! She tested the bonds again, but still couldn't budge them. Helpless, I'm still helpless, Ranma realized and her pussy throbbed hungrily at the thought. Even with her strength returned, Daisuke was still in full and utter control.

Ranma keened in arousal. Daisuke's smirk grew wider as he watched her struggle in her new restraints, the red velveteen bands holding her in a beautifully vulnerable position. He stepped closer, his cock already hardening again, eager to explore every inch of her willing form. He trailed his fingers down her spine, watching the way her skin pebbled under his touch.

"Is this the reward you imagined, Ranma? Trussed up, strength returned and still helpless?" Daisuke's voice was low and filled with amusement as he stepped closer to her bound form. He traced a line from her neck to the small of her back with one hand, while his other hand played with one of the velveteen bands, tightening it slightly so that her breasts jiggled.

Ranma nodded eagerly, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Yes," she gasped, her voice thick with need. "I'm yours to do with as you wish. Use me, Daisuke."

Daisuke's smile grew darker as he stepped closer, his hand reaching out to cup her cheek. He could feel the heat coming off of her skin, the desperation in her voice making his cock throb with desire. "Good," he murmured, leaning in to kiss her deeply. "Now, let's see if you can handle what I have planned for you." he added and Ranma felt her body shift again, returning her to her more familiar cursed red-haired form. The bands shifted and adapted as she shrunk down, still leaving her unable to move and just as helpless as before.

He stepped back, admiring the view of her bound body, her breasts heaving with every breath she took. He reached out and tweaked one of her nipples, watching as she moaned and arched into the touch. He knew she was his, heart and soul, and the power that came with it was intoxicating.

Daisuke trailed his fingers down her back, watching the way she squirmed in her restraints. He knew she was desperate for him, her body begging for his touch. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, "I'm going to make you cum so hard you'll see stars, but first, I want to make sure you're really ready for me." His hands roamed over her body, touching and teasing every inch of her sensitive skin.

He began to lightly caress her inner thighs, moving closer and closer to her pussy without ever actually touching it. Each feather-light touch made her whine and beg for more, her hips rolling in a silent plea for release. He chuckled darkly, enjoying the way she writhed under his expert ministrations. He now knew her body like it was his own, teased every spot that made her go wild and every button that would send her over the edge.

Daisuke's fingers danced around her swollen clit, avoiding it like a hot coal that he knew would set off an explosion. Her breath hitched every time he got near, her body straining against the bonds. She was a symphony of need, each gasp and moan music to his ears. He watched her face, the way her eyes screwed shut and her mouth formed a perfect 'O' of desperation. He could feel her getting wetter, her juices and sweat soaking the velvet bands.

He pinched her clit lightly, just enough to make her jolt and squeak. Her body was a maze of sensation, and he was the master navigator. He knew just how to twist and turn her to get the reactions he wanted, and he was enjoying every second of it. He watched as her hips bucked against his touch, trying to get closer, trying to find that sweet spot that would send her over the edge.

Daisuke's hand moved to her right nipple, giving it a gentle squeeze before rolling it between his thumb and forefinger. Ranma's back arched, her mouth open in a silent scream of pleasure. The tension in her body was palpable, her muscles tight as a bowstring ready to snap. But Daisuke was patient, he knew just how to keep her on that knife's edge.

"Please! Daisuke!" Ranma cried out in frustrated desperation. "I can't take it anymore!" Her body was a live wire of need, every nerve ending screaming for release.

Daisuke chuckled darkly, his hands continuing their torment. He knew exactly how much she could take, and he was determined to push her to the brink and beyond. His touch was feather-light, dancing around her clit without ever quite touching it, sending jolts of pleasure through her body. Her breathing was ragged, her chest heaving as she tried to control the rising tide of ecstasy.

With a deft twist of his wrist, he pinched her clit again, a little harder this time. Ranma's back arched, her body straining against the bonds. "No..." she whimpered, her eyes squeezed shut. "Too much..." But it wasn't too much. It was never enough. The more he teased, the more she craved.

Daisuke's touch grew bolder, his fingers sliding down to her pussy, dipping inside her folds and coating them with her own juices. He painted her clit with her nectar, his touch so light it was almost tickling. The anticipation was driving her mad, her body trembling with effort as she fought her restraints, attempting to reach the peak she so desperately wanted to experience again.

His thumb hovered over her clit, the pressure almost unbearable, as he whispered sweet nothings in her ear. "You're doing so well, Ranma," he cooed. "So eager, so beautiful." His voice was like a siren's song, luring her closer to the edge of insanity. Her hips bucked, trying to force his hand to move, but Daisuke was a master at this game. He knew exactly when to push and when to hold back.

He lightly pinched her clit again, watching her body quiver beneath him. The velvet bands held her in place, her breasts bouncing with every twitch of her muscles. The room was filled with the sound of her desperate gasps and the squelching of her pussy as she tried to grind against his hand. But it was no use; he was in control, and she was his to pleasure as he saw fit.

Daisuke leaned in closer, his breath hot against her ear. "You're so beautiful like this, Ranma," he murmured. "So helpless, so desperate for me." His words sent a shiver down her spine, making her pussy clench around his fingers. He knew just what to say to keep her on edge, just how to make her beg for more.

His touch grew more insistent, his fingers moving in circles around her clit. Each pass made her moan louder, her body straining against the velveteen bonds. She could feel the beginnings of an orgasm building, the pressure growing with each stroke. But just as she was about to tip over the edge, he'd pull back, leaving her gasping and trembling with need.

Daisuke watched her face, the way she bit her lip and her eyes rolled back in her head. He knew she was close, so very close, and the power of knowing that was almost as intoxicating as the feel of her wetness coating his fingers. He leaned in, his breath hot against her ear as he whispered, "Do you want it, Ranma? Do you want to cum for me?"

Her response was a desperate whine, her body writhing in the bonds. He could feel her pussy clench around his fingers, begging for release. He gave it to her, but only a little, not nearly enough. A flick of his thumb, a pinch of her clit, and she was moaning his name, her hips bucking against his hand. But he didn't let her come, not yet. He wanted to savor this moment, to watch her squirm and beg.

He leaned in, his cock pressing against her ass as he whispered sweet nothings into her ear. "You're so beautiful, Ranma," he said, his voice a low rumble that sent vibrations through her body. "So wet, so eager for me."

Daisuke's touch grew more insistent, his fingers sliding over her clit in a rhythm that made her toes curl. He knew exactly how to drive her wild, and he reveled in the power he had over her. Each time she got close, he'd ease off, only to start again, building her need until she was a panting, begging mess beneath him.

"Daisuke, Daisuke, Daisuke!" Ranma chanted frantically, wiggling in her bondage. Daisuke's hands never ceased their torment, lightly caressing and pinching her sensitive flesh as she begged for the release she knew she'd never receive unless he granted it. The room was thick with the scent of arousal, her body slick with sweat and desire.

He leaned in closer, his teeth grazing the shell of her ear. "What do you want, my little slut?" His breath was hot and ragged, his own arousal palpable. "Do you want to cum for me?" His words were a taunt, a sweet, sweet torture that made her hips jerk against his hand.

Ranma could only whine, her voice a desperate plea. "Yes! Yes, Daisuke, please let me cum!" But even as she begged, she knew it wasn't up to her. She was his toy, his to use and pleasure as he saw fit. And right now, he was enjoying watching her squirm.

"How do you feel about your curse now, my horny little princess? How do you feel about being female?" Daisuke purred into her ear.

Ranma could only moan in response, her body trembling with need. The curse didn't matter anymore, not when she was bound like this, not when she was feeling so much pleasure at Daisuke's mercy.

Daisuke chuckled, his hands moving to her breasts. He tweaked her nipples, rolling them between his thumbs and forefingers, watching her body react to his every touch. "You love being a girl, don't you?" he murmured, his voice a dark promise. "You love feeling this way, being helpless and at my mercy."

Ranma could only nod, her eyes squeezed shut as she panted heavily. She didn't know if she loved it or if she was just so far gone that she couldn't tell the difference anymore. But she knew she craved it, craved his touch and the power he had over her. Her body was his playground, and she was more than happy to be played with.

"Will you turn female when I ask it of you from now on? Will you abandon your strong independent male self upon my request, returning to being my horny little helpless princess whenever I want to?" Daisuke inquired with a wide smile.

Ranma could feel the pressure building in her clit around her new piercing, threatening to explode at any moment. "Y-yes," she managed to stutter, her body desperately needing the release he was denying her. "Anything you want, Daisuke."

"Will you swear it? Swear upon your honor as a Martial Artist?" He hummed questioningly, pinching her nipples demandingly.

"I swear! On my honor!" Ranma panted, her voice hoarse from all the whimpers and moans that had already escaped her lips. "I'll turn female for you whenever you want and use the piercing to lock my form until you allow me to go back!"

Daisuke's smile grew wider, his eyes dark with satisfaction. He knew he had her, that she was his to command. But he wasn't done teasing her yet. His touch grew more demanding, his pinches turning into gentle tugs on her nipples as his other hand played with the velvet bands that held her in place. The sensation was maddening, sending waves of pleasure crashing through her body like a tsunami, but always pulling back before she could reach the peak.

Ranma's breathing grew more ragged, her eyes squeezed shut as she tried to focus on anything other than the delicious agony of his touch. But it was impossible. Every time she thought she could take no more, his fingers would ease up, only to start again, bringing her closer and closer to the edge. She could feel the beginnings of a scream building in her throat, a desperate plea for release that she knew would only make him chuckle.

Daisuke's touch grew more insistent, his fingers moving faster and harder against her clit. Her hips jerked with every touch, trying to find the rhythm that would send her over the edge. But he was unpredictable, always changing, always keeping her guessing. She felt like a moth to a flame, drawn in by the promise of relief only to be burned by the intensity of his touch.

"Will you help me convert other girls? Is my horny little princess going to assist her Lord and Master in breaking other girls?" Daisuke murmured and gently slapped her swollen itching breasts.

Ranma's eyes shot open at his words, the intensity of her arousal spiking even higher. The thought of being part of such a taboo, of helping Daisuke claim more girls for his perverted games, was like throwing gasoline on a bonfire. She nodded fervently, her chest heaving with need. "Yes, Daisuke, I'll help you," she whined, her voice thick with lust. "I'll help you claim them all!"

Daisuke's grin was pure evil as he leaned back, admiring his handiwork. Her body was a canvas of passion, painted with desire and need. He knew she was close, so very close, but he wasn't quite ready to let her go over the edge. He lightly slapped her ass, watching the red handprint blossom against her pale skin. "Good girl," he murmured, his voice a dark caress. "Someday soon, I'll ask you to bring me a girl here. Someone you know, I think. Perhaps Shampoo, sweet sexy Shampoo. Perhaps Nabiki, that arrogant bitch is in more dire need of being spanked into submission than perhaps any other girl ever. Or how about Ukyo? Would you like to see your old buddy Ucchan naked and squealing on my shaft?"

Ranma's eyes shot open at the mention of her friends' names, her breath hitching. The thought of her friends, especially Ukyo, in a similar state of bondage and submission sent a fresh wave of arousal through her body. She nodded, eager to please him. "Anyone you want, Daisuke," she panted, her voice shaky with lust. "I'll do anything."

"Even Akane? You've never admitted it, but I know you actually like her. If I ask you to paralyze her with a pressure point, will you bring your helpless fiancée here and help me break her down into another submissive pet for me?" Daisuke demanded to know.

Ranma's eyes widened at the mention of Akane, but she nodded, her body betraying her as she grew even wetter. The thought of her strong-willed, feisty fiancée being brought to the same state of desperation was intoxicating. "Y-yes," she stuttered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I-I'll do it."

"Imagine it, Ranma. Think about how glorious things will be as more and more pretty girls succumb and surrender to me." Daisuke instructed her and he kneeled behind her, grabbing her waist and sliding his cock teasingly across her wet folds. "Think about all of you, kneeling naked in front of me, horny and united in your devotion."

Ranma felt a mix of arousal and anticipation at his words. The thought of her friends, acquaintances and fiancées being part of Daisuke's harem was shocking, but she couldn't deny the dark thrill coursing through her veins. She nodded again, her breath hitching as her folds parted and gently caressed his shaft as he slowly raked it back and forth along her slit. "I am. I am imagining it!" She promised fervently.

"Is it glorious? Are you looking forward to the day when others join you in submission to me? A day when I will have you pleasure another girl and be pleasured by her in turn? A day when I will watch a girl’s tongue teasing your wet folds, getting you all wet and ready for my thick shaft?" Daisuke asked her while teasing her throbbing pussy.

Ranma nodded, unable to form coherent words as Daisuke's cock slid along her sensitive skin. Her mind was racing with images of her friends, her rivals, all under Daisuke's spell, all eager to serve his desires. It was a thrilling and terrifying thought, but in that moment, all she could focus on was the exquisite pleasure he was giving her. "Yes," she finally managed to murmur, her voice thick with lust. "It will be... amazing."

Daisuke's grip on her hips tightened, and with one swift thrust, he was inside her again. Ranma's eyes rolled back in her head, a keening wail escaping her lips as he filled her completely. He felt so much bigger than she remembered, his girth stretching her to the limits. The velveteen bands had made her sensitive, and she could feel every inch of him, his veins pulsing against her inner walls.

After being teased and edged for so long, she finally got enough stimulation to crest her peak, finally was gifted the orgasm she had been frantically wanting for what felt like an eternity. It was glorious! Ranma howled like an animal in pleasure, her mind filled with visions of naked girls she knew in similar states of arousal and desperation as her own. Daisuke's cock was like a piston in her pussy, driving into her with a force that made the bed shake.

Her body convulsed around him, her muscles spasming with each thrust. He was relentless, pushing her higher and higher until she thought she might pass out from the pleasure. And through it all, she was aware of his hands, his mouth, his teeth, his breath against her skin. He was everywhere, a storm of sensation that she could never escape from, a maelstrom of lust that she never wanted to leave.

Daisuke leaned over her, his teeth sinking into the soft flesh of her shoulder as he claimed her. She could feel the power of his bite, the way it sent waves of pain and pleasure crashing through her body. It was as if he was marking her as his own, a wild animal staking his claim on his mate.

Ranma's eyes rolled back in her head as the orgasm hit her like a freight train. Her body bucked and writhed against his, her legs jerked against their restraints and her bound hands clenching into fists. She screamed his name, the sound echoing off the walls of the small room. The velveteen bands held her in place, a constant reminder of her submission to him.

Daisuke watched her with a possessive gaze, his teeth still sunk into her shoulder. He felt her pussy tighten around his cock, her juices spilling onto the sheets as she came hard. He knew that this was just the beginning, that he could do this to her over and over again, and she would beg for more. He pulled back, his teeth releasing her with an audible pop, and slammed back into her, making her scream again.

Her orgasm seemed to go on forever, her body trembling and shaking with every thrust he made. Daisuke's own pleasure was building, his cock swelling and pulsing inside her tight sheath. He could feel himself getting closer and closer, his balls tightening with every stroke. But he didn't want this to end, not yet. He needed to feel her come again, to watch her fall apart under his touch.

So, he reached down with his free hand, his fingers finding her clit once more. He began to rub it in time with his thrusts, the velveteen bands adding a layer of friction that made her moan even louder. "Again," he whispered harshly in her ear. "Come for me again, Ranma."

Her eyes snapped open, gazing dazedly straight ahead at the wall of his bedroom. The pain from his bite melded with the pleasure from his fingers, creating a maelstrom of sensation that had her panting and squirming. She didn't think she could do it, didn't think she could come again so soon. But his touch was relentless, his will unyielding.

"Daisuke... please..." Ranma gasped, her body already beginning to tense up again. The pleasure was too much, the pressure building like a volcano threatening to erupt. "I can't..."

"Cum for me again, princess!" Daisuke snarled as he relentlessly hilted himself inside her. The pressure was unbearable, her pussy clamping down around him like a vice. He knew she was close, her body a tight coil of need waiting to be sprung.

Ranma felt her orgasm building once more, her eyes rolling back in her head. "Oh god... Daisuke... I'm gonna..." she couldn't even finish her sentence; the pleasure was so intense. Her entire body was a symphony of sensation, each nerve ending playing a crescendo of ecstasy.

"That's it," Daisuke murmured, his voice a low growl. "Come for me again, my little slut." His fingers danced over her clit, his cock plunging in and out of her with a brutal rhythm that she could feel deep in her core. He was relentless, a force of nature that she couldn't hope to resist.

Her body responded to his command, her muscles tightening around him as she was pushed over the edge once more. The orgasm crashed over her like a wave, her pussy clenching down on his cock with a ferocity that made him groan with pleasure. He felt her body shake, her back arching as she was lost to the sensation.

Daisuke's own release was building, his hips pistoning into her, the sound of their skin slapping together filling the room. He could feel his balls tighten, the pressure building up inside him. He was close, so close, and the sight of Ranma, bound and trembling beneath him, was all he needed to push him over the edge.

With one final thrust, Daisuke let out a roar of pleasure, filling her up with his seed. Ranma's body jerked against his, another orgasm ripping through her as she felt him come inside her. The sensation was overwhelming, her body a wreck of pleasure and pain, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts and sensations.

As he pulled out, she collapsed onto the bed, the velveteen bands keeping her in place. She could feel his cum dripping down her legs, a testament to the power of his climax. He leaned over her, panting heavily, his eyes gleaming with victory. "Mine," he murmured, kissing her neck. "You're mine, Ranma."

Ranma could only nod, her body boneless and sated. The reality of her situation was sinking in, but she couldn't find it in herself to care. The pleasure had been too great, the power exchange too intense. She was his now, and she found that she didn't mind it as much as she thought she would.

The bands vanished, releasing her from her physical bondage. A wave of energy flooded her, easing aches and restoring her energy. With the moxibustion lifted, Ranma was back to normal, the strongest Martial Artist of her generation, capable of shattering boulders with her bare fists.

Daisuke was just a normal human, while she had long since surpassed the very peak of human potential and gone far beyond the conventional. She could shatter every single bone in his body to dust with casual ease, could throw him through the walls of his bedroom and into another ward entirely. In a purely physical contest, Ranma was like a goddess compared to the puny ant that was Daisuke.

He had given her a choice, freedom to act. She could feel his still hard shaft resting between her legs and his chest leaning on her back. She had given her word, promised to be his. Now he wanted to see if she would keep it, wanted to see if she would remain his horny little princess. Wanted to know if she would run, fight or fully submit.

Ranma took a deep breath, feeling his weight and the sticky warmth of his cum on her thighs. Her body was still singing from the intense orgasms he had given her. The room was silent except for their heavy breaths and the sound of their hearts pounding in their chests.

A hand powerful enough to shatter the engine block of a train reached behind her legs, gently grasping his hard cock with tender affection. Instead of pulping it to a bloody mess, she raised it up and aimed it at her twitching asshole, still slightly gaping from the relentless pounding it had received earlier.

"I'm yours. Your princess..." Ranma mumbled. She was mentally exhausted, her body a tapestry of pleasure and pain even with her energy restored, but she had made a promise. And she was a warrior, bound by her honor. Her hand moved to stroke his cock gently, her grip firm and sure. She was his, completely and utterly.

Daisuke's eyes widened in pleased surprise at her actions. He hadn't been entirely sure what she would do, but he had been hoping for the best. The sight of her powerful hand on his cock, the way she looked at him with a mix of love and desperation, it was more than he could have hoped for and better than he had imagined. "Ranma... My horny little princess..." he murmured, his voice thick with lust.

Both of them groaned as the tip of his penis pressed inside her twitching butthole. Ranma was tight, but her body was still sensitive and swollen from their previous activities. Daisuke felt her quiver around him as he pushed in further, the feeling of her inner walls gripping him making his cock throb with desire. He was surprised she was willing to go this far, but the thrill of it only made him more eager to continue to claim her in every way possible.

As he began to thrust into her, Ranma's eyes squeezed shut, her teeth gritted against the fullness and burning heat that came with the now familiar sensation. She had promised to submit to him, and she wasn't about to go back on her word. It was strange, but she found that she enjoyed it, the feeling of being taken and owned.

This was not the frantic, relentless, intense coupling she had just experienced. This was slow, gentle and loving. His touches were tender and sweet, his cock teased it's way deeper and deeper inside her rectum and the words he spoke were warm and affectionate, not possessive and demanding. Ranma felt herself relax into it, her body responding to the gentle caress of his shaft, the way he filled her up without causing pain. It was a stark contrast to the earlier rawness of their encounter, but no less potent in its own right.

Daisuke watched her sweaty back intently, looking for any sign of discomfort or hesitation. But all he saw was a mix of pleasure and acceptance, a willingness to submit to him that was more powerful than any spell. He knew that he had her, that she was his for the taking, and the knowledge filled him with a deep satisfaction. He leaned down, kissing her neck, her ear, whispering sweet nothings that made her shiver with delight.

Her hand slipped away from his cock, allowing him to take over the rhythm of his thrusts. He moved in and out of her with a slow deliberation that had them both on the edge of their seats, the anticipation of their next shared climax building like a crescendo in a symphony of lust. The room was filled with the sweet scent of their mingled arousal, the air thick with the promise of more to come.

Ranma felt her body begin to respond to his gentle invasion, her ass adjusting to his thickness as he pushed deeper and deeper. Each thrust brought a new wave of pleasure, the kind that made her want to melt into the mattress and never move again. Daisuke's kisses grew more insistent, his teeth grazing her ear as he whispered sweet nothings that sent delightful shivers down her spine.

Her hands reached back, her fingers gripping his buttocks she arched her back, pushing herself onto his cock and pulling him deeper inside of her. He groaned, his grip on her hips tightening as he began to move faster, his hips slapping against her ass with a rhythm that matched the pounding of her heart. It was a dance of dominance and submission, a silent conversation of desire that needed no words.

Their breath grew ragged, their movements more urgent. Daisuke reached around, his hand finding her clit, the swollen bundle of nerves that was the epicenter of her pleasure. He rubbed it in slow, deliberate circles, watching as her body responded to his touch, her back arching even more, pushing her ass further into the air.

Ranma's moans grew louder, filling the room with the sweet sound of her submission. Her hand clutched the bedsheets, knuckles white as she pushed back into Daisuke's thrusts, her body moving in tandem with his. Each stroke brought her closer to the edge, her orgasm building like a storm at sea.

Daisuke's thumb circled her clit with a masterful touch, his other hand sliding up to cup her breast, his fingers playing with the sensitive peak. He whispered words of love and dominance into her ear, his breath hot and heavy against her skin. "You're so beautiful like this, Ranma. So perfect for me, my sweet princess."

Ranma moaned in response, her hips rocking back to meet his thrusts, her body eagerly accepting his every move. The pressure in her core grew, her pussy pulsing with need. She had never felt so open, so vulnerable, so...right. The bondage, the teasing, the power play, it had all led to this moment, where she was completely and utterly his.

Daisuke's strokes grew more urgent, his thumb pressing harder on her clit as he drove into her. He could feel himself getting closer, his balls tightening with the promise of release. But he waited, holding back, wanting to make sure she was with him every step of the way. He knew he had her, knew she was his, but he craved the sound of her screaming his name in ecstasy.

Ranma's eyes snapped open, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she felt the beginnings of another orgasm coil within her. "Daisuke," she moaned, her voice a mix of pleasure and desperation. "Please, don't stop."

"Never, princess." he promised tenderly. "I will never stop, never tire of seeing you like this. No matter how many others may come to join us, you will always remain my best girl, my sensual princess."

His words brought a fresh wave of arousal to Ranma, her pussy clenching around his thumb, her ass squeezing his cock. She could feel herself climbing again, the pleasure building like a crescendo in her belly. "Oh god, Daisuke, I'm gonna..." she gasped, unable to hold back the tide.

With a final, powerful thrust, Daisuke sent her over the edge. Ranma's body tensed; her back arching impossibly high as she came with a scream that seemed to shake the very foundation of the house. Her ass clamped down around his cock, her pussy spasming around his thumb, and he knew she was lost to the pleasure. He watched her, his own climax building, his eyes glazed over with lust.

The feeling of her body convulsing around him was too much, and with a final grunt, Daisuke released his own orgasm. He filled her up with his seed, his hips jerking as he emptied himself inside her tight, quivering ass. The sensation was like nothing he had ever felt before, a mix of power and vulnerability that was intoxicating.

As they both came down from their high, Daisuke pulled out gently, his cock slipping from her with a wet sound. He collapsed onto the bed beside her, his arms wrapping around her waist as they lay there, panting and sweaty. For a moment, there was only the sound of their breathing, the world outside their little bubble forgotten.

Ranma rolled onto her side, facing him, her eyes glazed over with pleasure. Daisuke's hand caressed her cheek, his thumb tracing the line of her jaw as he gazed into her eyes. "You're mine," he murmured, his voice filled with a quiet confidence. "Forever."

"I know," she whispered back, a soft smile playing on her lips. The weight of his body against hers was comforting, a reminder of the bond they had formed. Ranma had never felt more alive, more desired, than in this moment, under Daisuke's control. Her heart fluttered at the thought of the future they could share together, a future filled with passion and submission, but also love and tenderness.

Daisuke leaned in, capturing her mouth in a kiss that was as gentle as it was possessive. His tongue danced with hers, tasting the remnants of their shared pleasure. As their kiss deepened, Ranma felt a warmth spread through her, a sense of belonging that she had never experienced before. His arms tightened around her, his hands roaming over her curves, claiming every inch of her body as his own.

She knew that there would be challenges. The tangled mess of engagements that had her life so complex and chaotic, demanding parents, persistent rivals, demons and monsters popping out of the woodwork, strange challengers and more, likely would continue to plague her for years to come. Her curse was no closer to getting cured, though at the moment she didn't even want a cure. Returning to a fully male body was no longer her dearest desire, it wasn't even on the list any more. If anything, the thought of a cure now scared and terrified her.

But she knew that she wasn't alone anymore. Daisuke would be there for her. He would never give up his darling princess, never allow her to falter or fall, no matter what challenges she faced. Her heart soared and her body sang, a fierce determination settling over her like a comforting blanket. She would prove herself; she would face all challenges and emerge the victor, her prize a fulfilling life alternating between standing proudly at Daisuke's side and kneeling submissively at his feet.

"I love you," Ranma murmured against his lips, the words spilling out unbidden but true. Daisuke's eyes widened; his hand stilled in her hair. For a moment, he looked as surprised as she felt, then his smile grew, his eyes shining with happiness. "I love you too, Ranma," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "Always."

They lay there, entwined, basking in the afterglow of their passion. The room was quiet except for their panting breaths, the sound of their hearts beating together. The candles had burned low, casting a warm, flickering light over their sweat-slicked skin. It was a moment of peace, a brief reprieve from the storm that had been their lives.

The outside world would eventually intrude again, but for now, both of them were content to just rest naked against each other, tenderly affirming their mutual affection and love. Daisuke's hand remained on Ranma's cheek, stroking her softly as they shared the warmth of their bodies. The air was still charged with the scent of their lust, but there was a new tenderness in the way they held each other, as if they had discovered a treasure that was more precious than any jewel or magical artifact.

The End!

Happosai’s Horde - HawkFF - Ranma 1/2 [Archive of Our Own] (2025)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Views: 5578

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (64 voted)

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.