ResMed Swift FX Nasal Pillows CPAP Mask User Manual (2025)

ResMed Swift FX Nasal Pillows CPAP Mask User Manual (1)

Swift™ FX

nasal pillows system

User Guide

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ResMed Swift FX Nasal Pillows CPAP Mask User Manual (2)

Swift™ FX

Fitting / Mise en place / Colocación / Colocação

Rx Only / Sur prescription uniquement / Solamente bajo prescripción / Somente com prescrição médica

1 2

4 5




ResMed Swift FX Nasal Pillows CPAP Mask User Manual (3)


Swift FX















ResMed Swift FX Nasal Pillows CPAP Mask User Manual (4)

Mask components / Composants du masque / Piezas de la mascarilla / Componentes da máscara

Item / Article /

Description / Description / Descripción / Descrição

Artículo / Item

1 Headgear right / Harnais droit / Arnés derecho /

2 Top buckle / Boucle supérieure / Hebilla superior /

3 Back strap / Sangle arrière / Correa posterior / Correia traseira

4 Headgear left / Harnais gauche / Arnés izquierdo /

5 Soft wraps / Housses souples / Fundas blandas /

6 Pillows / Coussins / Almohadillas / Almofadas

7 Short tube / Tuyau court / Tubo corto / Tubo curto

8 Swivel / Pièce pivotante / Pieza giratoria / Peça giratória

9 Vent / Orifice de ventilation / Ventilación / Respiradouro

10 Elbow / Coude / Codo / Cotovelo

11 Swivel ring / Anneau pivotant / Aro de la pieza giratoria /

Lateral direita do arnês

Fivela superior

Lateral esquerda do arnês

Envoltórios macios

Anel da peça giratória


ResMed Swift FX Nasal Pillows CPAP Mask User Manual (5)

Item / Article /

Description / Description / Descripción / Descrição

Artículo / Item

A Complete system / Système complet / Sistema completo /

B Pillows system (Frame system) /

C Headgear assembly / Ensemble harnais / Conjunto del arnés /

D Short tube assembly (Frame assembly)/

Sistema completo

Système coussins (Entourage rigide) / Sistema de almohadillas (Sistema de armazón)/ Sistema de almofadas (Sistema de armação)

Conjunto do arnês

Ensemble tuyau court (Ensemble entourage rigide) / Conjunto del tubo corto (Conjunto del armazón) / Conjunto do tubo curto (Conjunto da armação)

Also available / Également disponible / También está disponible / Também disponível

Pillows / Coussins / Almohadillas / Almofadas


ResMed Swift FX Nasal Pillows CPAP Mask User Manual (6)

Disassembly / Démontage / Desmontaje / Desmontagem





Reassembly / Remontage / Montaje / Remontagem





ResMed Swift FX Nasal Pillows CPAP Mask User Manual (7)




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ResMed Swift FX Nasal Pillows CPAP Mask User Manual (8)


Swift™ FX

nasal pillows system

Thank you for choosing the Swift FX.

Intended use

The Swift FX channels airflow noninvasively to a patient from a positive airway pressure (PAP) device such as a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or bilevel system. The Swift FX is:

to be used by adult patients (> 66 lb/30 kg) for whom positive airway pressure has been prescribed intended for single-patient re-use in the home environment and multipatient re-use in the hospital/institutional environment.

Using your mask

When using your mask with ResMed CPAP or bilevel devices that have mask setting options, refer to the Technical specifications section in this user guide for mask selection options. For a full list of compatible devices for this mask, see the Mask/Device Compatibility List on on the Products page under Service & Support. If you do not have internet access, please contact your ResMed representative.


This mask is not compatible for use with ResMed AutoSet CS and VPAP™ Adapt SV devices. SmartStop may not operate effectively when using this mask with some CPAP or bilevel devices that have this feature. If you experience nasal dryness or irritation, use of a humidifier is recommended.




ResMed Swift FX Nasal Pillows CPAP Mask User Manual (9)



The vent holes must be kept clear. The mask should not be used unless the CPAP system is turned on and operating properly. Follow all precautions when using supplemental oxygen. Oxygen flow must be turned off when the CPAP or bilevel device is not operating, so that unused oxygen does not accumulate within the CPAP or bilevel device enclosure and create a risk of fire. At a fixed rate of supplemental oxygen flow, the inhaled oxygen concentration varies, depending on the pressure settings, patient breathing pattern, mask, point of application and leak rate. The technical specifications of the mask are provided for your clinician to check that they are compatible with the CPAP or bilevel device. If used outside specification or if used with incompatible devices, the seal and comfort of the mask may not be effective, optimum therapy may not be achieved, and leak, or variation in the rate of leak, may affect the CPAP or bilevel device function. Discontinue using this mask if you have ANY adverse reaction to the use of the mask, and consult your physician or sleep therapist. Using a mask may cause tooth, gum or jaw soreness or aggravate an existing dental condition. If symptoms occur, consult your physician or dentist. As with all masks, some rebreathing may occur at low CPAP pressures. Refer to your CPAP or bilevel device manual for details on settings and operational information. Remove all packaging before using the mask.

ResMed Swift FX Nasal Pillows CPAP Mask User Manual (10)

Cleaning your mask in the home

Your mask and headgear should only be handwashed by gently rubbing in warm (approximately 86°F/30°C) water using mild soap. All components should be rinsed well with drinking quality water and allowed to air dry out of direct sunlight.

Daily/After each use:

To optimize the mask seal, facial oils should be removed from the cushion after use. Handwash the separated mask components (excluding headgear). If the vent requires cleaning use a soft bristle brush.


Handwash the headgear. It may be washed without being disassembled.


Do not use aromatic-based solutions or scented oils (eg, eucalyptus or essential oils), bleach, alcohol or products that smell strongly (eg, citrus) to clean any of the mask components. Residual vapours from these solutions can be inhaled if not rinsed thoroughly. They may also damage the mask, causing cracks.


If any visible deterioration of a system component is apparent (cracking, crazing, tears or cushion damage), the component should be discarded and replaced. Avoid connecting flexible PVC products (eg, PVC tubing) directly to any part of the mask. Flexible PVC contains elements that can be detrimental to the materials of the mask, and may cause the components to crack or break.



ResMed Swift FX Nasal Pillows CPAP Mask User Manual (11)

Reprocessing the mask between patients

Only Sleep Lab Mask (SLM) variants of the mask are intended for multi-patient re-use. When using between patients, these masks must be reprocessed according to cleaning and disinfection instructions available on


Problem / possible cause Solution Pillows won’t seal properly, are uncomfortable or cause red marks

Pillows may have been fitted incorrectly, adjusted incorrectly or the headgear is too tight.

Inner wall position of one or both pillows is incorrect.

Pillows are the wrong size. Talk to your clinician.

Pillows may be dirty. Clean pillows according to the

Mask is too noisy

System is assembled incorrectly. Disassemble the mask, then

System is leaking air. Refit or reposition you mask.

Vent is blocked or partially blocked. If the vent requires cleaning, use a

Check that the ResMed logo on top of the pillows is facing outwards. Carefully follow the fitting instructions. Readjust the headgear to ensure it is not over tightened.

Squeeze pillow sides to release inner wall. The correct position is shown in the reassembly instructions.


reassemble according to the instructions.

Adjust your headgear. Check your mask is assembled correctly.

soft bristle brush.


ResMed Swift FX Nasal Pillows CPAP Mask User Manual (12)

Technical specifications







4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Pressure–flow curve

Vent flow rate (L/min)

Dead space information

Therapy pressure 4 to 20 cm H2O

Resistance Drop in pressure measured (nominal)

Environmental conditions

Gross dimensions Large: 16.34“ (H) x 3.70“ (W) x 1.77“ (D)

Mask setting options

The mask contains passive venting to protect against rebreathing. As a result of manufacturing variations, the vent flow rate may vary.

Mask pressure (cm H2O)

Physical dead space is the empty volume of the mask to the end of the swivel. Using the large cushions it is 106 mL.

at 50 L/min: 0.4 cm H2O at 100 L/min: 1.4 cm H2O

Operating temperature: +41°F to 104°F (+5°C to +40°C) Operating humidity: 15% to 95% relative humidity non-condensing Storage and transport temperature: -4°F to 140°F ( -20°C to +60°C) Storage and transport humidity: up to 95% relative humidity non-condensing

(415 mm (H) x 94 mm (W) x 45mm (D)) Mask fully assembled with short tube assembly – no headgear.

For S9: Select ‘Pillows’ For other devices: Select ‘SWIFT’, (if available),

otherwise select ‘MIRAGE’ as the mask option.


Pressure (cm H2O)

Flow (L/min)

4 20

8 29

12 37

16 43

20 49


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ResMed Swift FX Nasal Pillows CPAP Mask User Manual (2025)
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