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MediaElement js creates an absolutely // positioned element within. Absolutely positioned items do not respect the containment // of parent relatively positioned elements. 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This year, the Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. Eric M. Smith and the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps Sgt. Maj. Carlos A. Ruiz reiterate to the force that Marines are ready to confront the challenges ahead and that the Marine Corp\u0026#39;s reputations as warriors is a living testament. (U.S. Marine Corps video by John Martinez, GySgt Melissa Marnell, WO Joshua Chacon, Sgt. James Stanfield)."); mediaElement.addEventListener('playing', function (e) { if (defaultButton.length) { if (playEventButtonTriggered === false) { defaultButton.hide(); hoverButton.hide(); playEventButtonTriggered = true; } } if (playEventAlreadyTriggered === false) { DVIDSVideoAnalytics.track('play', analyticsParams); if(debug) { console.debug('DVIDSVideoAnalytics PLAY EVENT'); } playEventAlreadyTriggered = true; } }); mediaElement.addEventListener('play', function (e) { if ($(".mejs__controls").is(":hidden") ) $(".mejs__controls").show(); // if overlay exists, hide it if ($(".mejs__layer.video-overlay").length) $(".mejs__layer.video-overlay").hide(); setAspectRatio(); }); mediaElement.addEventListener('ended', function (e) { DVIDSVideoAnalytics.track('ended', analyticsParams); if(debug) { console.debug('DVIDSVideoAnalytics ENDED EVENT'); } //play next media var nextURL = ""; if (nextURL != "") { document.location = nextURL; } }); //$('#videoPlayer155065').css({'width': '100%', 'height':'100%'}); // EVENT LISTENER FOR WHEN VIDEO TIME HAS BEEN UPDATED mediaElement.addEventListener('timeupdate', function (e) { // IF VIDEO HAS NOT BEEN PLAYED AND SAVED POSITION IS GREATER THAN 0 if (!videoHasPlayed && restartTimer > 0) { // SET THE START TIME FROM THE RELATION IN SECONDS myPlayer.setCurrentTime(restartTimer); // SET THE VIDEO HAS PLAYED FLAG AND CLEAR THE TIMER // OTHERWISE KEEP CONTINUAL LOOP GOING BACK TO THIS TIME // THIS EVENT GETS CALLED AROUND EVERY 250MS videoHasPlayed = true; restartTimer = 0; } }, false); mediaElement.addEventListener('canplay', function (e) { CheckCaptions(); }, false); mediaElement.addEventListener('pause', function (e) { if (defaultButton.length) { defaultButton.removeAttr("style"); hoverButton.removeAttr("style"); playEventButtonTriggered = false; } }, false); mbOptions.delegate("a", "click", function () { var obj = $(this); if (obj.hasClass("chosenMBLink")) { return false; } else { mbOptions.find("a.chosenMBLink").removeClass("chosenMBLink"); obj.addClass("chosenMBLink"); currentVideoHeight = obj.html().substring(0, obj.html().length - 1); setPlayerSource(obj.attr("fileurl")); } mbOptions.hide(); return false; }); // ASSIGN CAPTIONS SELECTOR TO JQUERY OBJECT, SET CLICK DELEGATE AND TURN ON CAPTIONS IF PREVIOUSLY ENABLED captionsSelector = $("div.mejs-captions-selector"); captionsSelector.delegate("input:radio", "click", function () { var lang = this.value; if (lang == "none") { dvpCCEnabled = false; } else { dvpCCEnabled = true; } }); turnOnCaptionsIfEnabled(); } }); $window.on("resize", function () { if ($(".mejs__time-total.mejs__time-slider").attr("aria-valuemax") == "NaN") { $(".mejs__time-total.mejs__time-slider").attr("aria-valuemax",574); } var debouncedFn = debounce(calculateVideoHeight, 250); debouncedFn(); }); // AUTOMATICALLY PLAY VIDEO IF ID PASSED OR VIDEO CLICKED if (false) { playVideo(); //document.getElementById('videoPlayer155065').play(); } }); function updateMultiBandwithAnchors(files, videoHeight) { var mbOptions = $("#multiBandwidthOptions"); var multiBandwidthHTML = []; for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (i == files.length - 1) { multiBandwidthHTML.unshift("" + files[i].height + "p"); } else { if (files[i].height != files[i+1].height) { multiBandwidthHTML.unshift("" + files[i].height + "p"); } } } multiBandwidthHTML.push("
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The 249th Marine Corps Birthday Message
Communication Directorate
Oct. 15, 2024 | 9:34
On November 10, 2024, U.S. Marines around the globe will celebrate 249 years of success on the battlefield and a legacy defined by honor, courage and commitment. This year, the Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. Eric M. Smith and the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps Sgt. Maj. Carlos A. Ruiz reiterate to the force that Marines are ready to confront the challenges ahead and that the Marine Corp's reputations as warriors is a living testament. (U.S. Marine Corps video by John Martinez, GySgt Melissa Marnell, WO Joshua Chacon, Sgt. James Stanfield).
HQMCHappy birthday MarinesEveryone Fights#HappyBirthdayMarines249
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